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This repository holds the code for the Computing in Cardiology 2023 paper for Arrythmia Classification


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Results on local Validation

AUPRC AUROC Accuracy F-Measure Challenge Score
0.548 0.949 0.418 0.521 0.696

Python code for the PhysioNet/Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2021

How do I run these scripts?

You can run this classifier code by installing the requirements

pip install requirements.txt

and running

python training_data model
python model test_data test_outputs

where training_data is a folder of training data files, model is a folder for saving your models, test_data is a folder of test data files (you can use the training data locally for debugging and cross-validation), and test_outputs is a folder for saving your models' outputs. The PhysioNet/CinC Challenge 2021 webpage provides training databases with data files and a description of the contents and structure of these files.

After training your model and obtaining test outputs with above commands, you can evaluate the scores of your models using the PhysioNet/CinC Challenge 2021 evaluation code by running

python labels outputs scores.csv class_scores.csv

where labels is a folder containing files with one or more labels for each ECG recording, such as the training database on the PhysioNet webpage; outputs is a folder containing files with outputs produced by your models for those recordings; scores.csv (optional) is a collection of scores for your models; and class_scores.csv (optional) is a collection of per-class scores for your models.

How do I run these scripts in Docker?

Docker and similar platforms allow you to containerize and package your code with specific dependencies that you can run reliably in other computing environments and operating systems.

To guarantee that we can run your code, please install Docker, build a Docker image from your code, and run it on the training data. To quickly check your code for bugs, you may want to run it on a subset of the training data.

If you have trouble running your code, then please try the follow steps to run the example code, which is known to work.

  1. Create a folder example in your home directory with several subfolders.

     user@computer:~$ cd ~/
     user@computer:~$ mkdir example
     user@computer:~$ cd example
     user@computer:~/example$ mkdir training_data test_data model test_outputs
  2. Download the training data from the Challenge website. Put some of the training data in training_data and test_data. You can use some of the training data to check your code (and should perform cross-validation on the training data to evaluate your algorithm).

  3. Download or clone this repository in your terminal.

     user@computer:~/example$ git clone
  4. Build a Docker image and run the example code in your terminal.

     user@computer:~/example$ ls
     model  python-classifier-2021  test_data  test_outputs  training_data
     user@computer:~/example$ ls training_data/
     A0001.hea  A0001.mat  A0002.hea  A0002.mat  A0003.hea  ...
     user@computer:~/example$ cd python-classifier-2021/
     user@computer:~/example/python-classifier-2021$ docker build -t image .
     Sending build context to Docker daemon  30.21kB
     Successfully tagged image:latest
     user@computer:~/example/python-classifier-2021$ docker run -it -v ~/example/model:/physionet/model -v ~/example/test_data:/physionet/test_data -v ~/example/test_outputs:/physionet/test_outputs -v ~/example/training_data:/physionet/training_data image bash
     root@[...]:/physionet# ls
         Dockerfile             model             test_data         requirements.txt  test_outputs
         LICENSE            training_data
     root@[...]:/physionet# python training_data model
     root@[...]:/physionet# python model test_data test_outputs
     root@[...]:/physionet# exit
     user@computer:~/example/python-classifier-2021$ cd ..
     user@computer:~/example$ ls test_outputs/
     A0006.csv  A0007.csv  A0008.csv  A0009.csv  A0010.csv  ...

How do I learn more?

Please see the PhysioNet/CinC Challenge 2021 webpage for more details. Please post questions and concerns on the Challenge discussion forum.

Useful links


This repository holds the code for the Computing in Cardiology 2023 paper for Arrythmia Classification







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