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craddm committed Aug 8, 2017
0 parents commit b9fdfa4
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Showing 12 changed files with 431 additions and 0 deletions.
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13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions DESCRIPTION
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Package: metaSDT
Type: Package
Title: Calculate Meta-d Using Maximum Likelihood Estimation
Version: 0.1.0
Authors@R: c(
person("Matt", "Craddock", email = "[email protected]", role = "cre"),
person("Brian", "Maniscalco", role = "aut"),
person("Hakwan", "Lau", role = "aut"))
Description: This is an R implementation of signal detection measures for simple 2 AFC tasks, and of Maniscalco and Lau's method for calculating Type-2 SDT measures of metacognitive efficiency. (see
License: What license is it under?
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
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277 changes: 277 additions & 0 deletions R/sdt_functions.R
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#' Type 1 SDT for a 2AFC design
#' This calculates standard, type 1 SDT measures.
#' @param df Raw data frame in long format. Assumes counts already calculated. Expects the response column to be 1 or 0 for reported yes or reported no.
#' @param stimulus Column name for levels of the stimulus. Should be bare, unquoted. e.g. (stimulus = stimulus)
#' @param response Col
#' @author Matt Craddock, \email{[email protected]}
#' @import dplyr
#' @import tidyr

type_1_sdt <- function(df, stimulus = NULL, response = NULL, counts = total, confidence = NULL, s = 1, add_constant = TRUE) {
stim_col <- enquo(stimulus)
count_col <- enquo(counts)
resp_col <- enquo(response)

df <- group_by(df, !!stim_col)
if (add_constant) {
df <- mutate(df, proportions = ((!!count_col) + 1/n())/ (sum((!!count_col))+1))
} else{
df <- mutate(df, proportions = (!!count_col)/sum((!!count_col)))

s1_HR <- filter(df, (!!resp_col) == 1)

s1_FA <- sum(df$proportions[5:6])
d_prime <- (1/s) * qnorm(s1_HR) - qnorm(s1_FA)
c_raw <- (-1/(1+s)) * (qnorm(s1_HR)+qnorm(s1_FA))
c_prime <- c_raw / d_prime
data.frame(d_prime, c_raw, c_prime, s1_HR, s1_FA)

#' Convert to counts
#' @author Matt Craddock, \email{[email protected]}
#' @import dplyr
#' @import tidyr

sdt_counts <- function(df, stimulus = NULL, response = NULL, ...) {
stim_col <- enquo(stimulus)
resp_col <- enquo(response)
df <- group_by(df, !!stim_col, !!resp_col)
df <- summarise(df, total = n())
df <- ungroup(df)
df <- complete_(df, c(rlang::UQE(stim_col), rlang::UQE(resp_col)), fill = list(total = 0))

#' Fit Type 2 SDT using Maximum Likelihood Estimation.
#' This uses data in count format.
#' @param nR_S1 Responses to S1 stimulus. See below for advice.
#' @param nR_S2 Responses to S2 stimulus. See below for advice.
#' @param s Standard deviation. Defaults to 1.
#' @param add_constant Adds a small constant to the data (1/number of possible responses) to account for 0 or 1 values. Defaults to TRUE for ease of use across multiple datasets.
#' @author Maniscalco & Lau. Ported to R by Matt Craddock, \email{[email protected]}
#' @references Maniscalco, B., & Lau, H. (2012). A signal detection theoretic approach for estimating metacognitive sensitivity from confidence ratings. Consciousness and Cognition.
#' @import dplyr
#' @import tidyr
#' @export

fit_meta_d_MLE <- function(nR_S1, nR_S2, s = 1, add_constant = TRUE) {

if (add_constant) {
nR_S1 <- nR_S1 + (1/length(nR_S1))
nR_S2 <- nR_S2 + (1/length(nR_S2))

n_ratings <- length(nR_S1) / 2
n_criteria <- 2 * n_ratings - 1

A <- matrix(0,nrow = n_criteria - 2, ncol = n_criteria)
for (i in 2:n_criteria - 1) {
A[i-1, i:(i + 1)] <- c(1, -1)

b <- rep(-1e-5, n_criteria - 2)

#LB <- c(-10, -20*(rep(1, (n_criteria-1)/2)), rep(0, (n_criteria-1)/2))
#UB <- c(10, rep(0, (n_criteria-1)/2), 20*(rep(1, (n_criteria-1)/2)))

## set up initial guess at parameter values
ratingHR <- NULL
ratingFAR <- NULL
for (c in 2:(n_ratings * 2)) {
ratingHR[c-1] <- sum(nR_S2[c:length(nR_S2)]) / sum(nR_S2)
ratingFAR[c-1] <- sum(nR_S1[c:length(nR_S1)]) / sum(nR_S1)

t1_index <- n_ratings
t2_index <- setdiff(1:(2 * n_ratings - 1), t1_index)

d1 <- (1 / s) * qnorm(ratingHR[t1_index]) - qnorm(ratingFAR[t1_index])
meta_d1 <- d1

c1 <- (-1/(1 + s)) * ( qnorm(ratingHR) + qnorm(ratingFAR) )
t1c1 <- c1[t1_index]
t2c1 <- c1[t2_index]

guess <- c(meta_d1, t2c1 - (meta_d1 * t1c1 / d1))

params <- list("n_ratings" = n_ratings,
"d1" = d1,
"nR_S1" = nR_S1,
"nR_S2" = nR_S2,
"t1c1" = t1c1,
"s" = s)

fit <- suppressWarnings(optim(par = guess,
gr = NULL,
method = "BFGS",
parameters = params))

meta_d1 <- fit$par[[1]]
t2c1 <- fit$par[2:length(fit$par)] + (meta_d1 * t1c1 / d1)
logL <- -fit$value

I_nR_rS2 <- nR_S1[(n_ratings + 1):length(nR_S1)]
I_nR_rS1 <- nR_S2[seq(n_ratings, 1, -1)]

C_nR_rS2 <- nR_S2[(n_ratings+1):length(nR_S2)]
C_nR_rS1 <- nR_S1[seq(n_ratings, 1, -1)]
obs_FAR2_rS2 <- matrix(0, nrow = n_ratings - 1)
obs_HR2_rS2 <- matrix(0, nrow = n_ratings - 1)
obs_FAR2_rS1 <- matrix(0, nrow = n_ratings - 1)
obs_HR2_rS1 <- matrix(0, nrow = n_ratings - 1)

for (i in 2:n_ratings) {
obs_FAR2_rS2[i - 1] <- sum(I_nR_rS2[i:length(I_nR_rS2)] ) / sum(I_nR_rS2)
obs_HR2_rS2[i - 1] <- sum(C_nR_rS2[i:length(I_nR_rS2)] ) / sum(C_nR_rS2)

obs_FAR2_rS1[i-1] <- sum(I_nR_rS1[i:length(I_nR_rS2)] ) / sum(I_nR_rS1)
obs_HR2_rS1[i-1] <- sum(C_nR_rS1[i:length(I_nR_rS2)] ) / sum(C_nR_rS1)

S1mu <- -meta_d1 / 2
S1sd <- 1
S2mu <- meta_d1 / 2
S2sd <- S1sd / s
mt1c1 <- (meta_d1 * t1c1 / d1);

C_area_rS2 <- 1 - pnorm(mt1c1,S2mu,S2sd);
I_area_rS2 <- 1 - pnorm(mt1c1,S1mu,S1sd);
C_area_rS1 <- pnorm(mt1c1,S1mu,S1sd);
I_area_rS1 <- pnorm(mt1c1,S2mu,S2sd);

est_FAR2_rS2 <- NULL
est_FAR2_rS1 <- NULL
est_HR2_rS2 <- NULL
est_HR2_rS1 <- NULL

for (i in 1:(n_ratings - 1)) {

t2c1_lower <- t2c1[n_ratings - i]
t2c1_upper <- t2c1[n_ratings - 1 + i]

I_FAR_area_rS2 <- 1-pnorm(t2c1_upper, S1mu, S1sd)
C_HR_area_rS2 <- 1-pnorm(t2c1_upper, S2mu, S2sd)

I_FAR_area_rS1 <- pnorm(t2c1_lower, S2mu, S2sd)
C_HR_area_rS1 <- pnorm(t2c1_lower, S1mu, S1sd)

est_FAR2_rS2[i] <- I_FAR_area_rS2 / I_area_rS2
est_HR2_rS2[i] <- C_HR_area_rS2 / C_area_rS2

est_FAR2_rS1[i] <- I_FAR_area_rS1 / I_area_rS1
est_HR2_rS1[i] <- C_HR_area_rS1 / C_area_rS1

da <- sqrt(2 / (1 + s^2)) * s * d1
meta_da <- sqrt(2 / (1 + s^2)) * s * meta_d1
mt1c1 <- (meta_d1 * t1c1 / d1)
t2ca <- (sqrt(2) * s / sqrt(1 + s ^2)) * t2c1
S1units <- data.frame(d1 = d1,
meta_d1 = meta_d1,
s = s,
meta_c1 = mt1c1,
t2c1_rS1 = t2c1[1:n_ratings-1],
t2c1_rS2 = t2c1[n_ratings:length(t2c1)])

fit <- data.frame(da = da,
s = s,
meta_da = meta_da,
M_diff = meta_da - da,
M_ratio = meta_da / da,
meta_ca = (sqrt(2) * s / sqrt(1 + s ^2) * mt1c1),
t2ca_rS1 = t2ca[1:n_ratings-1],
t2ca_rS2 = t2ca[n_ratings:length(t2ca)],
# S1units = list(S1units),
logL = logL,
est_HR2_rS1 = est_HR2_rS1,
est_HR2_rS2 = est_HR2_rS2,
est_FAR2_rS1 = est_FAR2_rS1,
est_FAR2_rS2 = est_FAR2_rS2,
obs_HR2_rS1 = obs_HR2_rS1,
obs_HR2_rS2 = obs_HR2_rS2,
obs_FAR2_rS1 = obs_FAR2_rS1,
obs_FAR2_rS2 = obs_FAR2_rS2


#' Likelihood function for fitting meta-d
#' @author Maniscalco and Lau. Ported to R by Matt Craddock, \email{[email protected]}

fit_meta_d_logL <- function(x, parameters) {
meta_d1 <- x[1]
t2c1 <- x[2:length(x)]

S1mu <- -meta_d1/2
S1sd <- 1
S2mu <- meta_d1/2
S2sd <- S1sd/parameters$s

S1mu <- S1mu - (meta_d1 * (parameters$t1c1 / parameters$d1))
S2mu <- S2mu - (meta_d1 * (parameters$t1c1 / parameters$d1))

t1c1 <- 0
nC_rS1 <- matrix(0, ncol = parameters$n_ratings)
nI_rS1 <- matrix(0, ncol = parameters$n_ratings)
nC_rS2 <- matrix(0, ncol = parameters$n_ratings)
nI_rS2 <- matrix(0, ncol = parameters$n_ratings)

for (i in 1:parameters$n_ratings) {

# S1 responses
nC_rS1[i] <- parameters$nR_S1[i]
nI_rS1[i] <- parameters$nR_S2[i]

# S2 responses
nC_rS2[i] <- parameters$nR_S2[parameters$n_ratings + i]
nI_rS2[i] <- parameters$nR_S1[parameters$n_ratings + i]

# get type 2 probabilities
C_area_rS1 <- pnorm(t1c1,S1mu,S1sd)
I_area_rS1 <- pnorm(t1c1,S2mu,S2sd)

C_area_rS2 <- 1 - pnorm(t1c1,S2mu,S2sd)
I_area_rS2 <- 1 - pnorm(t1c1,S1mu,S1sd)

t2c1x <- c(-Inf, t2c1[1:parameters$n_ratings - 1], t1c1, t2c1[parameters$n_ratings:length(t2c1)], Inf)
prC_rS1 <- matrix(0, ncol = parameters$n_ratings)
prI_rS1 <- matrix(0, ncol = parameters$n_ratings)
prC_rS2 <- matrix(0, ncol = parameters$n_ratings)
prI_rS2 <- matrix(0, ncol = parameters$n_ratings)

for (i in 1:parameters$n_ratings) {
prC_rS1[i] <- (pnorm(t2c1x[i + 1], S1mu, S1sd) - pnorm(t2c1x[i], S1mu, S1sd) ) / C_area_rS1
prI_rS1[i] <- (pnorm(t2c1x[i + 1], S2mu, S2sd) - pnorm(t2c1x[i], S2mu, S2sd) ) / I_area_rS1

prC_rS2[i] <- ((1 - pnorm(t2c1x[parameters$n_ratings + i], S2mu, S2sd)) - (1-pnorm(t2c1x[parameters$n_ratings+ i+1], S2mu, S2sd))) / C_area_rS2
prI_rS2[i] <- ((1 - pnorm(t2c1x[parameters$n_ratings + i], S1mu, S1sd)) - (1 - pnorm(t2c1x[parameters$n_ratings+i+1], S1mu, S1sd))) / I_area_rS2

# calculate log likelihood
logL <- 0
for (i in 1:parameters$n_ratings) {
logL <- logL + nC_rS1[i] * log(prC_rS1[i]) + nI_rS1[i] * log(prI_rS1[i]) +
nC_rS2[i] * log(prC_rS2[i]) + nI_rS2[i] * log(prI_rS2[i])

if (is.nan(logL)) {
logL <- -Inf
logL <- -logL
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions R/type_1_stan
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// Bayesian estimation of meta-d for a single subject

data {
// Type 1 counts
int<lower = 1> N;
int<lower = 1> S[N];
int<lower = 1> H;
int<lower = 1> M;
int<lower = 1> FA;
int<lower = 1> CR;

model {
H ~ binomial(h,S)
FA ~ binomial(f,N)
h = Phi(d1/2-c1)
f = Phi(-d1/2-c1)

# Type 1 priors
c1 ~ normal(0, 2)
d1 ~ normal(0, 0.5)
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions man/fit_meta_d_MLE.Rd

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14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions man/fit_meta_d_logL.Rd

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12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions man/hello.Rd
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\title{Hello, World!}
Prints 'Hello, world!'.
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions man/sdt_counts.Rd

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