Topic on Bukkit forum.
MCCRestart is a tool to schedule server restarts. It saves player and chunk data before each restarts at specified times or delays and gives a warning message to each players before restart. You can also give a reason for the restart. (see commands section)
If a problem occurs during restarts, post the mccrestart.log in a new issue.
In your config.yml file you can specify a batch file for the launch parameter. Example :
@echo off
set memory=512
if /I "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE:~-2%"=="64" "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe" -Xms%memory%M -Xmx%memory%M -jar "%~dp0craftbukkit.jar"
if /I "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE:~-2%"=="86" java -Xms%memory%M -Xmx%memory%M -jar "%~dp0craftbukkit.jar"
If the Permissions plugin is not detected, only OPs can use restart and mccrestart commands.
- Restarts server at specified time (24-hour format)
- Or at delayed time (24-hour format)
- Add a manual restart with a delay and/or a reason for.
- Cancel a manual restart.
- Warning message to players before restart.
- Saves player and chunk data.
- Multi-world compatible.
- Add delay between stop and restart server.
- Use config.yml and messages.yml to configure the plugin.
- Don't modify the paramaters {n} in each YAML files.
- Automatically creates config.yml and messages.yml in the plugin folder.
- Windows XP, Vista, 7 (x86 and x64 editions)
- /mccrestart help - List MCCRestart commands
- /mccrestart reload - Reload the plugin configuration
- /mccrestart next - Give the next time to restart
- /restart - Restart the server immediately
- /restart 59:59 - Restart after a delay (minutes:seconds)
- /restart 59:59 reason - Restart after a delay with a reason
- /restart cancel - Cancel a manual restart
- mccrestart.use
# Enable/disable plugin
enable: 'true'
# Active/deactivate restart at times or delay (true or false)
autorestart: 'true'
# Args to launch the server (must be placed in your root server folder)
launcher: 'java -Xms512M -Xmx512M -jar craftbukkit.jar'
# If you want to launch a batch file (must be placed in your root server folder)
#launcher: 'run.bat'
# How many seconds before restart to show warning message to players. Separate seconds with a comma.
warn: '30,10'
# Scheduled times when the server is restarting. Use 24-hour time and separate times with a comma.
times: '12:00:00,23:00:00'
# Delay time between each restart. Use 24-hour time.
delay: '02:00:00'
# Choose type of restart (times or delay)
type: 'delay'
# Delay between stop and restart server if you have a lot of plugins (use minutes:secondes)
stoptime: '00:10'
warn: 'The server is being restarted...'
warnTime: 'The server restarts in {0} seconds...'
restart: 'The server is restarting...'
disabled: 'MCCRestart is disabled'
reload: 'MCCRestart reloaded'
next: 'Next restart scheduled at {0}'
reason: 'Reason: {0}'
cancel: 'Manual restart cancelled'
norestart: 'No restart is scheduled'
Please submit a complete bug report with :
- OS where the server is deployed.
- Bukkit version.
- Submit the mccrestart.log if there and the server.log.
- Add OSX/Linux compatibility
for more details.