This is a HTML/CSS/Python widget that uses the Nest API to get information from a thermostat and display the data in a read-only format. It leverages the script by Scott M Baker, [email protected], that's been modified quite a bit.
Installation instructions:
- The script needs to be placed into a directory that is accessible via apache as a cgi script
- Lines 39 and 40 in should be altered to use your username and password so that the script can access your thermostat's information.
- The GET URL on line 3 of jquery_nest.js needs to be modified to point at the publicly accessible location configured in step 1
- The background image nestEmpty needs to be in the same directory as the jquery_nest.js file (or you can modify the location in line 4 of the file)
- The HTML page where you'd like to inject the widget needs this markup wherever you want the widget:
Example usage:
//This will load the information on page load and then create a timer to refresh the information every 10 seconds
$(document).ready(function() {
window.setInterval(function(){$.nest($('#nestWidget'));}, 10000);