New-Gist [[-InputObject] ] [-File ] [-Description ] [-Username ] [-Public] [][<Comm
Publishes files as Owned or Anonymous Github Gists.
-InputObject Accepts a series of files which will be published as a single Gist
-File A single file path to be published as a Gist.
-Description (optional) The Description of this Gist.
-Username The Github username which will own this Gist.
Accepts a series of files which will be published as a single Gist
A single file path to be published as a Gist.
(optional) The Description of this Gist.
The Github username which will own this Gist.
-Public []
-Public []When specified, the Gist will be made public. Default is private.
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,
ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,
OutBuffer and OutVariable. For more information, type,
"get-help about_commonparameters".
EXAMPLE 1 - Publishing a public Gist
gist -File "Hello.js" -Description "Hello.js greets all visitors" -Public
EXAMPLE 3 - Publish a directory as gist
ls | gist -Description "Holy awesome batman!" -Public