A starter project that makes creating a TypeScript library extremely easy.
- Tests using Vitest
- Rollup(v4.x) for bundling and packaging
- Automatic releases and changelog(release-it)
- Lint-staged test (husky and init hooks: pre-commit, commit-msg)
- eslint、prettier、commitlint、vitest
- The configuration file template released by the npm package (refer to package.json)
- Automatic types (*.d.ts) file generation (typescript v5.x)
# 1. clone repo
git clone https://github.com/crper/rollup-typescript-lib-boilerplate.git my-project
# 2. cd to project directory
cd my-project
# 3. pnpm install dependencies
pnpm install
# ----- npm scripts -----
# run development mode (output)
pnpm watch
# run production mode (output minify)
pnpm build
# run tests
# Run all test suites but watch for changes and rerun tests when they change.
pnpm test
# Perform a single run without watch mode.
pnpm test:prod
# interactive commit (Angular Conventional Commit)
pnpm commit
# npm publish --dry-run (view tarball)
pnpm v-pub-tarball
# release-it is interactive and allows you to confirm each task before execution:
pnpm release
Name | Version | Github |
rollup | 4.x | https://github.com/rollup/rollup |
typescript | 5.x | https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript |
vitest | 1.x | https://github.com/vitest-dev/vitest |
eslint | 8.x | https://github.com/eslint/eslint |
pnpm | 8.x | https://github.com/pnpm/pnpm |
- Q: (!) @rollup/plugin-typescript TS5096: Option 'allowImportingTsExtensions' can only be used when either 'noEmit' or 'emitDeclarationOnly' is set.
known issue: rollup/plugins#1536