You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 5
Let's make the CSS our own. Please refactor CSS to eliminate all duplicate bindings. Goal is to make it as easy as possible to swap in new colors, fonts, images, etc.
- Reorganize title bar components. From left to right: Logo, Info Bar, Nav Bar. Page name is right justified under Nav Bar. (Edit text of all pages to display page name.)
- Info Bar changes: Widen a bit, make same height as logo, numbers right justified, text left justified. Extend vertical bar downward to separate two halves.
- Nav Bar changes: Order of icons: Go Low, Get Nutz, News, Prizes, Profile, Help
- Update logo
- Remove makahiki link
- Make contact sentence into mailto:
- Move contact sentence to bottom of window.
- Use silver for sponsor window content background.
- Icon order: Go Low, Get Nutz, News, Prizes, Profile, Help.
- Appears on all pages just beneath the Title Bar.
- We need the quest interface implemented/mocked up pronto.
- Use fixed set of quests (provide mocked Quest Engine that always returns same quests).
- Content pane should have different color to highlight it.
- Display three quest titles on a single line to minimize vertical height.
- Bold face the quests that the user has accepted.
- Modal dialogue pops up with quest description.
- Fix bug in News page.
- Replace with either:
- Have the grass appear.
- stretch the tree trunk.
- Scoreboard issues:
- serif font for title.
- go to three columns, left justify names, right justify numbers
- scores is inverted (should be from low to high numbers for energy use).
- Green XBox text not formatted correctly.
- Suggested Activity/Points window not formatted correctly.
- Need a flag on each activity to say whether it should be able to be displayed on Go Low page as a recommended activity.
- Can only display unlocked activities. Can only display a maximum of 3 activities.
- Display one activity of each type (activity, commitment, event, excursion). Pick the lowest one in the smart grid.
- Scoreboard: three columns.
- Upcoming events: say "No upcoming events" when no upcoming events.
- Try to vertically center text in grid cells
- Provide colors for different types of activities.
- Delete lounge badges.
- "Post to wall" wraps strangely.
- Have activity names be linked in My Achievements.
- Use short names for activities to provide one liners in My Achievements.
- Prize and Prize winners window too short.
- Buttons in RaffleRama for + or - 1 not implemented.
- Columns in RaffleRama are off.
- Prize link is weird. They should be modal dialog windows when clicked with brief descriptions.
- "Mute" the grass tile image. (lighten color? reduce contrast?) Current tile overpowers background image.
- Reduce file size of logos. Currently 30K.
- Work with George/Yongwen to provide correct spreadsheets for data.
- Implement power meter.
- Implement daily energy goal design.
If you don't click on the "I live in the Hale Aloha dorms", you currently get a 404 error. That's kind of lame. Here's a quick and dirty solution. Please implement a new page which has the landing page background and a content window in the middle whose title is "About the Kukui Cup". The text inside this content window could be:
Thanks for your interest in the Kukui Cup!
The Kukui Cup is a National Science Foundation funded project whose goal is to investigate how information technology can help create sustained, positive changes in energy behaviors. We want to engage first year students living in residence halls at the University of Hawaii in a competition that helps them learn about energy's production, consumption, impacts, and potential future in Hawaii. We provide them with real-time feedback on their energy use, energy conservation goals, a variety of competitions and interactive games, and incentives such as prizes, food, t-shirts, entertainment, and bragging rights.
We want the Kukui Cup to be a transformative experience for first year students: providing them with a new way to connect and make friends with other students in their residence halls, to have new opportunities for fun and online interaction, to become more sophisticated in their knowledge of and attitudes toward energy, and to reward at least some of them with prizes.
The 2011 competition is scheduled for October, 2011. Once the competition is underway, we will update this page with standings and other information about the progress of the Kukui Cup. Check back then for more details!
As part of the design of the April evaluation, we have recognized that it is useful to give a small number of points (1? 2?) to students for simply signing up to do commitments, events, or excursions.
For events and excursions, they will get these points simply for signing up, and additional points if they actually do the event or excursion.
For commitments, we have to be more careful, since a student could potentially sign up for a commitment, get the point, then delete the commitment, re-sign up, and get another point. That would be bad. So, the rule for commitments is that you get the point only if:
- you have never signed up for that commitment before.
- your most recent interaction with the commitment was to complete it, not delete it.
Thus, if you sign up for commitment A, you get a point. If you then delete it and sign up for it again, you don't get anything. Once you complete the commitment, you get the other points. Then you can sign up for it again and get a point.