My name is Cícero Feijó, I´m a Software Engineer Specialist at Sicredi and a teacher at a Technology School called Targettrust.
I love to work with Web Technologies and teach people who want to learn how to develop web applications, so if you have doubts: Visit my website: or my Youtube channel Instrutor Feijó.
- 🤟 Rock Technologies: HTML(5), JavaScript (ECMA), CSS (with SASS), ReactJS, VueJS and NodeJS.
- 💬 Ask me about any Front-End technologies and Career Tips
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
- ⚡ Fun fact: A few years ago I lost more than 110 pounds (50Kg) with nutritional education and doing exercises. So, my tip is: if you want something, go ahead and get it!