A TicTacToe Game developed in flutter with 2 game modes, vs-player and vs-AI, where players can compete with another player and AI respectively.
- m*n TicTacToe Board
- Vs Game Mode
- Vs AI Mode
- 3 levels of AI difficulty
- minimax algorithm with alpha-beta pruning
- AI vs AI simulation
- available in Play Store for testing
- Make this an online Game
- New Game mode with new rules
- Introduce Timers
- SignUp Feature
- Professional Score Board
- More to come
For vs AI mode, it has 3 levels of difficulty. The initial levels are easier with AI choosing moves randomly. The intermediate levels are a bit logical but are still beatable. For the final levels, we'll use the Minimax algorithm plus alpha-beta pruning for optimization. Finally, we'll complete the game by doing the AI vs AI simulation where 2 of the available 3 AIs are chosen randomly(inclusive) and the match is played between them.
If you have any queries or feedback, please do reach me out in cshanjib@gmail.com and don't forget to leave a star ⭐️ to show your support. Feel free to fork this repository and make changes as per your need.