A 2D top-down "action RPG" built on the Phaser HTML5 game framework
Author: Ted Mader
Tools Used:
- Phaser - Game engine
- Wamp - Local testing
- Github Pages - Remote testing
Play online or download the package, unzip, and run Theodoric.exe. WARNING: The package has an issue with playing the game's audio - the audio may sound sluggish.
- WASD - Move
- Left Mouse Button - Hold down to attack
- Spacebar - Cast spell
- Gather gold and slay monsters to achieve the highest score possible!
Phaser: The fun, fast and free HTML5 Game Framework. http://phaser.io/
NW.js - Call all Node.js modules directly from DOM and enable a new way of writing applications with all Web technologies. http://nwjs.io
Pablo Farias Navarro - HTML5 Phaser Tutorial – SpaceHipster, A Space Exploration Game http://gamedevacademy.org/html5-phaser-tutorial-spacehipster-a-space-exploration-game/
Josh Morony - How to Create an Animated Character Using Sprites in Phaser http://www.joshmorony.com/how-to-create-an-animated-character-using-sprites-in-phaser/
Jeff Schomay - Tutorial: Building a polished HTML5 space shooter game with Phaser.js http://codeperfectionist.com/articles/phaser-js-tutorial-building-a-polished-space-shooter-game-part-1/
Alaa-eddine - Tutorial : Creating a basic multiplayer game with Phaser and Eureca.io http://ezelia.com/2014/tutorial-creating-basic-multiplayer-game-phaser-eureca-io
Sharm - Tiny 16: Basic http://opengameart.org/content/tiny-16-basic
Kspriter95 - Kirby FC Sword Sprite http://kspriter95.deviantart.com/art/kirby-FC-sword-sprite-read-description-421667074
Yoshino - Yoshino's Dragons http://www.rpgmakervxace.net/topic/2399-grannys-lists-animal-sprites/
Sogomn - Simple Fireball http://opengameart.org/content/simple-fireball
avgvsta - Generic 8-bit JRPG Soundtrack http://opengameart.org/content/generic-8-bit-jrpg-soundtrack
Ove - Ove's Essential Game Audio Pack Collection http://opengameart.org/content/oves-essential-game-audio-pack-collection-160-files-updated
Cool Text Logo and Graphics Generator http://cooltext.com/
Bfxr. Make sound effects for your games. http://www.bfxr.net/
Astrid Manuel
Jessica Talbert
Alex Forsyth