These are my personal configuration for my MBP 15.
I work mostly with Ruby, Python, JavaScript and Elixir (and some Haskell):
[DEPRECATED] - seetool-versions
My bash_profile
is fairly new, I was using zsh
since that was recommended
when I was starting out in my software developer career. But I'm going for
simplicity, without the need for external libraries like oh-my-zsh
or prezto
This file was how I customize my prezto
configuration before.
Configuration when working with Haskell GCHI (Think irb in Ruby)
My global git configuration
My global gitignore, built for Mac OSX systems
Configuration for Elixir's iex. Added some colors when evaluating results.
This is a configuration file for a Firefox plugin called (Keysnail)[]. I moved back using Vim, so this file is no longer being used.
Global configuration for Chruby. I'm now
using asdf
My tmux configuration, mostly adapted from Rico Sta. Cruz configuration.
Configuration file for asdf
My basic configuration for Vim8. Still a work in progress.
Dotfiles © 2017, Cuthbert Guerrero. Released under the MIT License.
Authored and maintained by Cuthbert Guerrero.
GitHub @cubeguerrero · Twitter @cubeguerrero