Create your own OCI image containing desired packages, flatpaks, and AppImages.
- base_image (string): URL for the base OCI image
- base_image_tag (string): Tag for the base OCI image
- description (string): Short description for the generated image.
- appimages (object[]): List of AppImages to include.
- name (string): Name of AppImage. This value is used to name the downloaded file.
- source (string): Github owner & repository.
- pattern (string): Filter releases using a pattern.
- flatpaks (string[]): List of flatpaks to install (ex. org.gimp.GIMP).
- github_releases (object[]): List of Github releases to install.
- project (string): Github owner & repository.
- arch (string): System architecture.
- packages (object[]): List of packages to install or remove using rpm-ostree.
- install (string[]): List of packages to install.
- remove (string[]): List of packages to remove.