PyFVCOM is a collection of various tools and utilities which can be used to extract, analyse and plot input and output files from FVCOM.
Easiest way is to install with pip/pip3:
pip install PyFVCOM
Python. This has been written against Python 2.7.11 and tentatively against Python 3.4.3, so in principle anything newer than those should be OK.
numpy, again, this has been tested with numpy version 1.4.1 to 1.10.4.
scipy, versions 0.7.2 to 0.14.1.
matplotlib, versions 1.0.1 to 1.5.1.
netCDF4, version 0.9.9 to 1.1.5.
jdcal, version 1.0 to 1.2.
pyshp, version 1.2.3.
- iPython, version 0.10.2 to 3.2.1. This makes for a good development environment, particularly when invoked with the -pylab argument, which automatically imports matplotlib.pylab and numpy, amongst others.
buoy_tools - read data from an SQLite3 database of BODC buoy data.
- get_buoy_metadata
- get_buoy_data
cst_tools - create coastline files for SMS from shapefiles or DHI MIKE arcs.
- read_ESRI_shapefile
- read_arc_MIKE
- read_CST
- write_CST
ctd_tools - interrogate an SQLite data base of CTD casts.
- get_CTD_metadata
- get_CTD_data
- get_ferrybox_data
current_tools - convert from vector components to scalars and back.
- scalar2vector
- vector2scalar
grid_tools - tools to parse SMS, DHI MIKE and FVCOM unstructured grids. Also provides functionality to add coasts and clip triangulations to a given domain. Functions to parse FVCOM river files are also included, as is a function to resample an unstructured grid onto a regular grid (without interpolation, simply finding the nearest point within a threshold distance).
- read_sms_mesh
- read_fvcom_mesh
- read_mike_mesh
- read_gmsh_mesh
- write_sms_mesh
- write_sms_bathy
- write_mike_mesh
- find_nearest_point
- element_side_lengths
- fix_coordinates
- clip_triangulation
- get_river_config
- get_rivers
- mesh2grid
- line_sample
- OSGB36_to_WGS84
- connectivity
- clip_domain
- surrounders
- heron
ll2utm - convert from spherical to cartesian UTM coordinates and back. Available from
- LL_to_UTM
- UTM_to_LL
ocean_tools - a number of routines to convert between combinations of temperature, salinity, pressure, depth and density.
- pressure2depth
- depth2pressure
- dT_adiab_sw
- theta_sw
- cp_sw
- sw_smow
- sw_dens0
- sw_seck
- sw_dens
- sw_svan
- sw_sal78
- sw_sal80
- sw_salinity
- dens_jackett
- cond2salt
- vorticity (currently empty)
- zbar
- pea
- simpsonhunter
- mixedlayerdepth
- stokes
- dissipation
- calculate_rhum
process_results - perform some analyses on FVCOM data read in using read_FVCOM_results.
- calculate_total_CO2
- calculate_CO2_leak_budget
- data_average
- unstructured_grid_volume
- residual_flow
read_results - parse the netCDF model output and extract a subset of the variables.
- ncwrite
- ncread
- read_probes
- write_probes
- elems2nodes
- nodes2elems
stats_tools - some basic statistics tools.
- calculate_regression
- calculate_polyfit
- coefficient_of_determination
- fix_range
- rmse
tidal_ellipse - Python version of the Tidal Ellipse MATLAB toolbox
- ap2ep
- ep2ap
- cBEpm
- get_BE
- sub2ind
- plot_ell
- do_the_plot
- prep_plot
tide_tools - tools to use and abuse tidal data from an SQLite database of tidal time series.
- julian_day
- gregorian_date
- add_harmonic_results
- get_observed_data
- get_observed_metadata
- clean_observed_data
- parse_TAPPY_XML
- get_harmonics
- read_POLPRED
- grid_POLPRED
- get_harmonics_POLPRED
The examples directory includes some Jupyter notebooks of some brief examples of how to use PyFVCOM. There are also sample scripts of those notebooks.