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A Model Context Protocol server built in TypeScript that leverages Neo4j’s graph database, delivers intelligent project and task management while empowering LLM agents with seamless collaboration and guidance.


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ATLAS (Adaptive Task & Logic Automation System) is a Model Context Protocol server designed for LLMs to manage complex projects. Built with TypeScript and featuring Neo4j graph database integration, efficient project management, and collaborative features, ATLAS provides LLM Agents project management capabilities through a clean, flexible tool interface.

Important Version Note: Version 1.5.4 is the last version that uses SQLite as the database. Version 2.0 and onwards has been completely rewritten to use Neo4j, which requires either:

Table of Contents


ATLAS implements the Model Context Protocol (MCP), enabling standardized communication between LLMs and external systems through:

  • Clients: Claude Desktop, IDEs, and other MCP-compatible clients
  • Servers: Tools and resources for project management and collaboration
  • LLM Agents: AI models that leverage the server's project management capabilities

Key capabilities:

  • Project Management: Comprehensive project lifecycle management with metadata and status tracking
  • Collaboration Tools: Member management, dependencies, and resource linking
  • Whiteboard System: Real-time collaborative whiteboards with version history
  • Graph Database: Neo4j-powered relationship management and querying
  • ATLAS Skills: Modular skill system for knowledge and best practices
  • Performance Focus: Optimized caching, batch operations, and health monitoring
  • Graceful Shutdown: Robust error handling and graceful shutdown mechanisms

Architecture & Components

Core system architecture:

Click to expand Mermaid diagram
flowchart TB
    subgraph API["API Layer"]
        direction LR
        MCP["MCP Protocol"]
        Rate["Rate Limiting"]

        MCP --> Val --> Rate

    subgraph Core["Core Services"]
        direction LR
        Project["Project Store"]
        Skills["Skills System"]
        Whiteboard["Whiteboard System"]
        Member["Member Management"]

        Project <--> Member
        Member <--> Whiteboard
        Project <-.-> Whiteboard
        Skills <-.-> Project

    subgraph Storage["Storage Layer"]
        direction LR
        Neo4j["Neo4j Graph DB"]
        Cache["Cache Layer"]

        Neo4j <--> Cache

    Rate --> Project
    Rate --> Whiteboard
    Rate --> Skills
    Project --> Neo4j
    Whiteboard --> Neo4j

    classDef layer fill:#2d3748,stroke:#4299e1,stroke-width:3px,rx:5,color:#fff
    classDef component fill:#1a202c,stroke:#a0aec0,stroke-width:2px,rx:3,color:#fff
    classDef api fill:#3182ce,stroke:#90cdf4,stroke-width:2px,rx:3,color:#fff
    classDef core fill:#319795,stroke:#81e6d9,stroke-width:2px,rx:3,color:#fff
    classDef storage fill:#2f855a,stroke:#9ae6b4,stroke-width:2px,rx:3,color:#fff

    class API,Core,Storage layer
    class MCP,Val,Rate api
    class Project,Whiteboard,Member,Skills core
    class Neo4j,Cache storage

Core Components:

  • Storage Layer: Neo4j graph database with caching layer
  • Project Layer: Project management, relationships, and dependency tracking
  • Member System: Role-based access control and collaboration
  • Skills System: Modular knowledge and best practices implementation
  • Whiteboard Engine: Real-time collaboration and version control
  • Error Handling: Comprehensive error handling and logging system


Project Management

  • Comprehensive Tracking: Manage project metadata, statuses, and rich content (notes, links, etc.) with built-in support for bulk operations.
  • Dependency & Relationship Handling: Automatically validate and track inter-project dependencies.


  • Member & Role Management: Enable team collaboration with role-based permissions (owner, admin, member, viewer).
  • Resource Sharing & Activity Tracking: Seamlessly share links and monitor project updates in real-time.

Whiteboard System

  • Real-Time Collaboration: Use shared whiteboard workspaces with version control and schema validation, seamlessly integrated with projects.

Graph Database Integration

  • Native Relationship Management: Leverage Neo4j’s ACID-compliant transactions and optimized queries for robust data integrity.
  • Advanced Search & Scalability: Perform property-based searches with fuzzy matching and wildcards while maintaining high performance.

ATLAS Skills

  • Modular Knowledge System: Access and combine modular pieces of knowledge, best practices, and coding standards based on need.
  • Hierarchical Organization: Skills are organized into base, language/framework, and tool-specific categories with automatic dependency resolution.
  • Customization: Skills can be parameterized and customized based on project or user-specific requirements.


Option 1: Install via npm

npm install atlas-mcp-server

Option 2: Install from source

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
cd atlas-mcp-server
  1. Install dependencies:
npm install
  1. Configure Neo4j:
# Start Neo4j using Docker
docker-compose up -d
  1. Build the project:
npm run build


Environment Variables

Create a .env file based on .env.example:

# Neo4j Configuration

# Application Configuration
LOG_LEVEL=info # debug, info, warn, error
NODE_ENV=development # development, production

# ATLAS Skills Configuration

MCP Client Settings

Add to your MCP client settings:

  "mcpServers": {
    "atlas": {
      "command": "node",
      "args": ["/path/to/atlas-mcp-server/dist/index.js"],
      "env": {
        "NEO4J_URI": "bolt://localhost:7687",
        "NEO4J_USER": "neo4j",
        "NEO4J_PASSWORD": "password2",
        "LOG_LEVEL": "info",
        "NODE_ENV": "production"

Project Structure

The codebase follows a modular structure:

├── config/          # Configuration management
├── mcp/            # MCP server implementation
│   ├── resources/  # MCP resources
│   └── tools/      # MCP tools
├── scripts/        # Build and maintenance scripts
├── logs/           # Application logs
├── output/         # Generated output files
├── neo4j/         # Neo4j database services
│   └── projectService/ # Project-related operations
├── types/         # TypeScript type definitions
└── utils/         # Utility functions


ATLAS provides a comprehensive suite of tools for project management:

Project Operations

Tool Description
project_create Create projects with unique names and optional descriptions. Supports both single project creation and bulk operations for multiple projects.
project_update Update existing project properties including name, description, and status. Supports both single project updates and bulk operations.
project_delete Delete projects and their associated data from the system. Supports both single project deletion and bulk operations for multiple projects.
project_note_add Add notes to projects for documentation and tracking. Supports both single note creation and bulk operations with optional categorization tags.
project_link_add Add links to external resources like documentation, designs, or repositories. Supports both single link creation and bulk operations with optional categorization.
project_link_update Update existing project link properties including title, URL, description, and category. Supports both single and bulk update operations.
project_link_delete Delete links from projects permanently. Supports both single link deletion and bulk operations for multiple links.

Member Management

Tool Description
project_member_add Add users to projects with role-based access control. Supports both single member addition and bulk operations with different permission levels.
project_member_remove Remove members from projects permanently. Supports both single member removal and bulk operations for multiple members.
project_member_list List all members of a project with their roles and join dates, ordered by join time with owners listed first.

Dependency Management

Tool Description
project_dependency_add Define relationships between projects with specific dependency types. Supports both single dependency creation and bulk operations with detailed descriptions.
project_dependency_remove Remove dependency relationships between projects. Supports both single dependency removal and bulk operations for multiple dependencies.
project_dependency_list List all dependencies and dependents for a project, showing both projects it depends on and projects that depend on it.

Whiteboard Operations

Tool Description
whiteboard_create Create a new whiteboard workspace with optional initial data and schema validation. Can be linked to projects for organization.
whiteboard_update Update whiteboard data by merging or replacing content. Supports partial updates to specific fields or complete data replacement.
whiteboard_get Retrieve whiteboard data with version control. Access either the latest version or a specific historical version by number.
whiteboard_delete Delete a whiteboard and its entire version history permanently. This operation cannot be undone.

Database Operations

Tool Description
neo4j_search Search the database for nodes with specific property values. Supports case-insensitive, wildcard, and fuzzy matching with pagination options.
database_clean Clean the database by removing all nodes and relationships, then reinitialize the schema. This operation cannot be undone.

Database Backup and Restore

Tool Description
Automated Backups (No direct tool) The system automatically creates backups of the Neo4j database on a configurable schedule (default: every 6 hours). Backups are stored in the backups/ directory. See Configuration for details.
Manual Operations (CLI) Use the provided CLI scripts for manual export, import, and listing of backups. See Database Backup and Restore below for details.

ATLAS Skills

Tool Description
atlas_skill_list Lists available skills with optional fuzzy name matching. Can be used to discover all available skills or find specific skills by keyword.
atlas_skill_invoke Executes specific skills (individually or combined). Supports dot notation for combining multiple skills (e.g., 'software-engineer.typescript.git') and accepts custom parameters.


ATLAS exposes system resources through standard MCP endpoints:

Project Resources

Resource Description
atlas-project://list-all Lists all projects with pagination support.
• Projects are ordered by creation date (newest first)
• Paginate results with customizable page size
• Returns an array of projects along with total count, current page info, and applied filters
atlas-project://{projectId} Fetches detailed information about a specific project.
• Supports including related data like notes, links, dependencies, and members
atlas-project://{projectId}/notes Fetches notes associated with a specific project.
• Supports filtering by tags, time range, and sorting options
• Returns both note data and metadata about tags and timestamps
atlas-project://{projectId}/links Fetches links associated with a specific project.
• Supports filtering by category, search terms, and sorting options
• Returns both link data and metadata about categories and domains
atlas-project://{projectId}/dependencies Lists all dependencies and dependents for a project.
• Dependencies are projects that this project depends on
• Dependents are projects that depend on this project
• Results are grouped by relationship type
atlas-project://{projectId}/members Lists all members of a project along with their roles and join dates.
• Results are ordered by join date, with project owners listed first
• Supports filtering by role and user ID

Database Backup and Restore

ATLAS provides both automated and manual database backup and restore capabilities.

Automated Backups

The system is configured to automatically back up the Neo4j database on a schedule. The default schedule is every 6 hours, but this can be customized via the BACKUP_SCHEDULE environment variable (see Configuration). The number of retained backups is also configurable.

Manual Backup and Restore (CLI)

You can manually manage backups using the provided command-line interface. These commands are available as npm scripts:

Export (Backup)

To create a backup, use the db:export script:

npm run db:export

This will create a JSON file in the backups/ directory with a timestamp in the filename (e.g., backups/neo4j_export_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.json).

You can also specify a custom file path:

npm run db:export -- --file=path/to/my_backup.json

Import (Restore)

To restore the database from a backup file, use the db:import script:

npm run db:import -- --file=path/to/backup.json

Important: By default, the import process clears the existing database before restoring from the backup. To prevent this, use the --no-clear option:

npm run db:import -- --file=path/to/backup.json --no-clear

List Backups

To list available backup files, use the db:list script:

npm run db:list

This will display a list of backup files with their filenames, paths, sizes, and creation dates.


  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a feature branch
  3. Commit your changes with a descriptive message
  4. Push to the branch
  5. Create a Pull Request

For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue.


Apache License 2.0

Built with the Model Context Protocol


A Model Context Protocol server built in TypeScript that leverages Neo4j’s graph database, delivers intelligent project and task management while empowering LLM agents with seamless collaboration and guidance.








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