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1.8.1 (core) / 0.24.1 (libraries)

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@elementl-devtools elementl-devtools released this 15 Aug 21:42
· 2093 commits to master since this release


  • If the sensor daemon fails while submitting runs, it will now checkpoint its progress and attempt to submit the remaining runs on the next evaluation.
  • build_op_context and build_asset_context now accepts a run_tags argument.
  • Nested partially configured resources can now be used outside of Definitions.
  • [ui] Replaced GraphQL Explorer with GraphiQL.
  • [ui] The run timeline can now be grouped by job or by automation.
  • [ui] For users in the experimental navigation flag, schedules and sensors are now in a single merged automations table.
  • [ui] Logs can now be filtered by metadata keys and values.
  • [ui] Logs for RUN_CANCELED events now display relevant error messages.
  • [dagster-aws] The new PipesCloudWatchMessageReader can consume logs from CloudWatch as pipes messages.
  • [dagster-aws] Glue jobs launched via pipes can be automatically canceled if Dagster receives a termination signal.
  • [dagster-azure] AzureBlobComputeLogManager now supports service principals, thanks @ion-elgreco!
  • [dagster-databricks] dagster-databricks now supports databricks-sdk<=0.17.0.
  • [dagster-datahub] dagster-datahub now allows pydantic versions below 3.0.0, thanks @kevin-longe-unmind!
  • [dagster-dbt] The DagsterDbtTranslator class now supports a modfiying the AutomationCondition for dbt models by overriding get_automation_condition.
  • [dagster-pandera] dagster-pandera now supports polars.
  • [dagster-sdf] Table and columns tests can now be used as asset checks.
  • [dagster-embedded-elt] Column metadata and lineage can be fetched on Sling assets by chaining the new replicate(...).fetch_column_metadata() method.
  • [dagster-embedded-elt] dlt resource docstrings will now be used to populate asset descriptions, by default.
  • [dagster-embedded-elt] dlt assets now generate column metadata.
  • [dagster-embedded-elt] dlt transformers now refer to the base resource as upstream asset.
  • [dagster-openai] OpenAIResource now supports organization, project and base_url for configurting the OpenAI client, thanks @chasleslr!
  • [dagster-pandas][dagster-pandera][dagster-wandb] These libraries no longer pin numpy<2, thanks @judahrand!


  • Fixed a bug for job backfills using backfill policies that materialized multiple partitions in a single run would be launched multiple times.
  • Fixed an issue where runs would sometimes move into a FAILURE state rather than a CANCELED state if an error occurred after a run termination request was started.
  • [ui] Fixed a bug where an incorrect dialog was shown when canceling a backfill.
  • [ui] Fixed the asset page header breadcrumbs for assets with very long key path elements.
  • [ui] Fixed the run timeline time markers for users in timezones that have off-hour offsets.
  • [ui] Fixed bar chart tooltips to use correct timezone for timestamp display.
  • [ui] Fixed an issue introduced in the 1.8.0 release where some jobs created from graph-backed assets were missing the “View as Asset Graph” toggle in the Dagster UI.

Breaking Changes

  • [dagster-airbyte] AirbyteCloudResource now supports client_id and client_secret for authentication - the api_key approach is no longer supported. This is motivated by the deprecation of on August 15, 2024.


  • [dagster-databricks] Removed deprecated authentication clients provided by databricks-cli and databricks_api
  • [dagster-embedded-elt] Removed deprecated Sling resources SlingSourceConnection, SlingTargetConnection
  • [dagster-embedded-elt] Removed deprecated Sling resources SlingSourceConnection, SlingTargetConnection
  • [dagster-embedded-elt] Removed deprecated Sling methods build_sling_assets, and sync


  • The Integrating Snowflake & dbt with Dagster+ Insights guide no longer erroneously references BigQuery, thanks @dnxie12!