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Small highly maneuverable ships with little (extended) life support systems. Usually have small cones of fire as they use their mobility to track their targets.

  • Shield sections: 1 (Although exceptions with 2 exist)


  • Missile tubes: 0
  • Crew: 1 - 2
  • Energy steal fighter (leach / vampire)
  • Stealth
  • Scout
  • Examples: MT52 Hornet, MU52 Hornet, MP52 Hornet (player), Fighter, Player Fighter (player), Strikeship, Striker (player), Adv. Striker


  • Missile tubes: 1 - 3
  • Crew: 1 - 3
  • Examples: WX-Lindworm, ZX-Lindworm (player)

Tubes in front, ZX: small turret phaser to back and sides.


  • Missile tubes: 1
  • Crew: 1 - 3
  • Examples: Adder MK4, MK5 and MK6

Tubes and beams in front. MK6 adds beam to back

  • Shield sections: 2+
  • Crew: 3 - 20


Versitile combat oriented ship that favours a balanced approach


  • Anti star fighter / Bomber interception (Lots of pew pew lasers with large arcs)
  • Rounded
  • Light artillery, heavy artillery
  • Strike craft (fast in, fast out)
  • Tackler ship (fast, indended to cripple the enemy)
  • Sniper / Long range support
  • Gunship
  • Examples:
  • Phobos T3, Phobos M3, Phobos MP3 (player), Karnack, Cruiser, Blockade Runner
  • Anti-fighter: Nirvana R5, Nirvana R5A
  • Light artillery: Piranha F12, Piranha F12.M, Piranha F8, Piranha (player)
  • Heavy artillery: Storm
  • Sniper: Ranus U, Hathcock (player)
  • Strike craft: Stalker Q7 and R7
  • Gunship: Gunship, Adv. Gunship

Light transport

Small transport ships used for low volume / high value cargo. Fairly popular with smugglers.

  • Troop transport
  • Light assault (Less transport room, more armor and laser pew pew)
  • Examples: Flavia, Flavia Falcon, Flavia P.Falcon (player), Repulse (player, better armor)


  • Mine layer
  • Mine sweeper (small but -very strong- front shield)
  • Scientific vessel
  • Deep sapce Reconnaissance
  • Light Repair ship
  • Resupply ships
  • Examples: Tug, Nautilus (player, mine layer)
  • Shield sections: 4+


Heavily armed ships, little to no transport or science capabilities (think attack submarine)

  • Blockade runner
  • Seraphin class Destroyer -> Broad sides?
  • Heavy artillery (carpet bombing)
  • Mobile comand center (Electronic warfare)
  • Carrier (light)
  • Support fire (Disallow maneuvrability)
  • Capital ship killers
  • Heavy assault
  • Examples:
  • Destroyer: Atlantis X23, Atlantis (player), Starhammer II
  • Carrier: Jump Carrier, Benedict (player), Kiriya (player)


  • Personnel, Goods, Garbage, Equipment, Fuel


  • Drone carrier
  • Shield sections: 6+
  • Crew: 250+
  • Heavy carrier

  • Flying fortress

  • Resupply station + Hq with wings strapped to it.

  • ships with no propulsion (can only rotate). Jumps in to deal out the pain. Will probably have long range weapons.

  • Examples: Dreadnought, Battlestation, Ender (player), Odin

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