Quickly move between your chosen files, per-project.
- Neovim 0.8+
Install with your favourite plugin manager.
Example for lazy.nvim:
---@type chosen.SetupOpts
opts = {},
After installation, paste somewhere in your config:
Then add binding to open Chosen window, for example:
vim.keymap.set("n", "<Enter>", require("chosen").toggle)
Alternatively, you can use ":Chosen" command in cmdline.
Full example for lazy:
-- plugins/chosen.lua
return {
dependencies = { "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons" }, -- optional
-- dependencies = { "echasnovski/mini.icons" }
keys = { "<Enter>" },
cmd = "Chosen"
config = function()
vim.keymap.set("n", "<Enter>", require("chosen").toggle)
Config below is used by default, you do not need to pass it to setup:
-- Path where Chosen will store its data
store_path = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/chosen",
-- Keys that will be used to manipulate Chosen files
keys = "123456789zxcbnmZXVBNMafghjklAFGHJKLwrtyuiopWRTYUIOP",
-- Autowrite of chosen index on VimLeavePre event
autowrite = true,
-- Change behaviour of hjkl keys in Chosen buffers
-- h and l -- horizontal scroll
-- j and k -- PageUp / PageDown
bind_hjkl = true,
-- Close window on save / delete of current file action
close_on_save = false,
-- Close window on write action
close_on_write = true,
-- Send notification on write action
notify_on_write = true,
-- Chosen ui options
ui_options = {
max_height = 10,
min_height = 1,
max_width = 40,
min_width = 10,
border = "rounded",
title = " Chosen ",
title_pos = "center",
show_icons = true,
-- Window local options to use in Chosen buffers
win_options = {
winhl = "NormalFloat:Normal,FloatBorder:Normal,FloatTitle:Title",
-- Buffer local options to use in Chosen buffers
buf_options = {
filetype = "chosen",
-- Mappings in Chosen buffers
keymap = {
-- Reset mode or exit
revert = "<Esc>",
-- Save / delete current file
save = "c",
-- Toggle delete mode
delete = "d",
-- Toggle swap mode
swap = "s",
-- Toggle split mode
split = "<C-s>",
-- Toggle vsplit mode
vsplit = "<C-v>",
-- Write Chosen index file on filesystem
write = "w",