Garry's Deathmatch is a Garry's Mod 10 gamemode developed and released by Garry all the way back in 2006.
This gamemode only lasted for a few Builds of Garry's Mod 10 only to get deleted and never seen ever again.
The gamemode was only recently rediscovered on March 11th, 2022 by going through old Garry's Mod 10 Steam Manifest files.
These Manifest files gave us a huge collection of Builds which were all reuploaded to and inside Build #0010 was the forgotten Deathmatch gamemode.
The archive is available at
This port exists to allow people to easily experience Garry's Deathmatch and make new maps/content for it.
We are also planning on adding toggleable enhances and new maps to the gamemode for a more fun experience.
danielah05 (me!) - Creating the Port
Wirelex.exe - Helping with fixing Lua problems
Mira - Creating the Logo/Icon/Backgrounds
Demez - Uploading it to the Workshop
Garry Newman - Creating the original Garry's Deathmatch