jabofy is a python script that takes images with a transparent background and converts them into new images that look like they were rendered using the Project64 Jabo video plugin.
idk i thought it was funny lol
download python from here https://www.python.org/downloads/
run in either cmd or powershell:
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install Pillow numpy
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip install Pillow numpy
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install Pillow numpy
then just download the python script by either going to releases or just git cloning and drag your image onto the script.
alternatively you can do jabofy.py IMAGE.png
i have left both an example and a jabofied version of the example inside the project for you to test the script with.
im gonna be completely real here, i have no clue how numpy works lmao so i gotta figure that issue out still.
avoid using images that have no transparent background, those seem to break the script.
if it still does not work, use the command line method jabofy.py IMAGE.png
and post the error inside issues so i can look at it and maaayyybeee fix it.