This is a challenge for Platzi Master application. The goal: Make your CV in React. This was the final result
- React JS
- Stylus
the challenge here was broken down into the following:
- Create components
- Add styles
- Create function getData.js
- Integrate API
- Personalize API
- Document the project
npm install
npm run start
npm run server
This template was given as guidance
I made a low-fidelity wireframe inspired by it.
The first challenge was a bit confusing to me due to About component location. I thought it was the child of the Header, so I decided to move the About section inside the Header component. This way it will be easier to design.
Because I didn't have the complete info yet, I make just a few changes at First, mainly creating a stylus file for each component.
After adding my info (5th step) I started adding better styles to my components. I wanted a retro- groovy style, so I went for a palette with nude and beige as my main colors and red and green for the animation (accent) colors. I created a Palette.styl file to be coherent through all my components.
- tip: As some elements are repeated continuously, (in my case, there were for example bullet points and titles). I styled them in the main App.styl file, so I can use them in every component.
Furthermore, I added some animations to make the links and main objects stand out. I wasn't comfortable adding percentages of master to my skills, mainly because since I don't know what I don't know, evaluating the level of mastery was just so difficult for me. That's why I decided to set to 0 the opacity of the percentage at 0 for then to be revealed while hovering each skill.
This was by far the most complicated part of the process. Just because I didn't know how to use the server, I wasted 4 hours just to read the documentation of the challenge and type "npm run server" to have a clue on how to do this part
- (read the documentation).
First, I added this function to my Header.js file, but there I just wasn't able to use async, await method. So I used .then and later, I transformed it into an async function in getData.js
As I told you, in the components files I was not able to use Async, Await. so, i just created a fetch data function with .then method. It called getData.js to set the state of each component with this data.
I was having trouble in here, but I found that initializing the data I was going to use solved the problem.
state = { data: { 'languages': { 'name': '', 'percentage': '' }], }, }
I created another json file: db.json and later upload package.json
"server": "json-server --watch db.json"
thank you! <3