A mobile app built with React Native that allows users to search and view information about countries by fetching data from the RestCountries API. Users can input the name of a country to retrieve its details, such as its capital, language, currency, population, and more. The app also features a button to show a random country, providing an easy way to explore country information.
- Input field to search for a country by name.
- Displays country details such as name, capital, language, currency, population, and more.
- View a country’s flag.
- Show a random country and its details.
- Interactive links to view country locations on Google Maps and learn more via Wikipedia.
- Loader while fetching data from the API.
- React Native for mobile app development.
- React hooks (
) for managing component state. - FlatList for rendering a scrollable list of country details.
- ActivityIndicator to show loading state during data fetch.
- RestCountries API: Provides information about countries including details like name, capital, population, languages, currency, and flags. (Reference: https://restcountries.com/)
To get started with this app, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/danilonakai/worlddata_reactnative.git cd worlddata_reactnative
Install dependencies:
npm install
Run the app on your device or emulator:
npm start
The app should now be running on your device or emulator.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.