is a Python package for the calculation of wind loads on structures
in accordance with AS/NZS 1170.2:2021 Structural design actions Part 2: Wind actions.
The package is currently in development. Currently, the package can calculate the following: - Average Recurrence Interval - Regional wind speed - Site exposure multipliers - Site and design wind speeds
Note that averaging of terrain categories and terrain-height multipliers is beyond the scope of this package at this time.
Aerodynamic shape factors
Documentation is currently a work in progress.
Distributed under the terms of the [Apache License 2.0][license], windactionsAU
free and open source software.
is an open source engineering tool. Although efforts have been made
to ensure that relevant code interpretations and engineering calculations have
been correctly implemented, it remains the user's responsibility to confirm and
accept the output. Refer to the license for clarification of the
conditions of use.