Install SLURM cluster [1]. This role is for deploying Slurm on controller and worker nodes.
This role requires an NTP client to sync the time on all nodes. Many suitable clients can be used.
The variables that can be passed to this role and a brief description about them are as follows.
# SLURM version to install (in case of RH systems)
slurm_version: 16.05.8
# Type of node to install: controller or worker
slurm_type_of_node: controller
# Name of the SLURM controller
slurm_controller_name: slurmserver
# IP address of the SLURM controller
# Prefix to set to the SLURM working nodes
slurm_vnode_prefix: vnode-
# List of IPs of the Worker Nodes (WNs)
slurm_worker_ips: []
# List of the name of the WNs (use short hostname)
slurm_worker_nodenames: []
# Number of CPUs of the WNs
slurm_worker_cpus: 1
# Partition Name
slurm_partition_name: debug
This an example of how to install a SLURM cluster:
- hosts: controller
- { role: 'darrylweaver.slurm', slurm_type_of_node: 'controller', slurm_server_ip: '{{ansible_default_ipv4}}', slurm_worker_nodenames: "{{ groups['wns']|map('extract', hostvars, 'ansible_hostname')|list }}" }
- hosts: workers
- { role: 'darrylweaver.slurm', slurm_type_of_node: 'worker', slurm_server_ip: "{{hostvars['server']['ansible_default_ipv4']}}" }
Apache Licence v2 [2]
Originally forked from indigo-dc/slurm role. Modified by Darryl Weaver.