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Solving Every Sudoku Puzzle by Peter Norvig in Dart, Python, C#, Ruby, CoffeeScript


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Sudoku Solver

Port of Solving Every Sudoku Puzzle by Peter Norvig in Dart.

View above solutions side-by-side in Python, Dart, C#, Ruby, CoffeeScript.


From Command line:

./bin/sudoku.dart .....6....59.....82....8....45........3........6..3.54...325..6..................

As a Library:

import 'package:sudoku/sudoku.dart';

main() {
  String board = '.....6....59.....82....8....45........3........6..3.54...325..6..................';
  Map result = solve(board);


4 8 7 |2 5 6 |3 1 9 
6 5 9 |7 3 1 |4 2 8 
2 3 1 |4 9 8 |6 7 5 
9 4 5 |6 1 2 |7 8 3 
7 1 3 |5 8 4 |9 6 2 
8 2 6 |9 7 3 |1 5 4 
1 7 4 |3 2 5 |8 9 6 
3 9 2 |8 6 7 |5 4 1 
5 6 8 |1 4 9 |2 3 7

Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

  sudoku: 0.1.3


Results from running these stand-alone benchmarks on a new 2013 high-end 27" iMac on OSX after a clean re-start. Results are shown in Microseconds (µs):

Side-by-side Results Summary

C# / Mono2.68x2.09x1.96x
C# / .NET *3.33x2.60x2.31x

* .NET running inside Parallels Windows 8.1 VM


iMac:benchmark mythz$ dart --version
Dart VM version: (Mon Nov  4 06:02:48 2013) on "macos_x64"

iMac:benchmark mythz$ dart sudoku.dart 
grid1(RunTime): 2125.3985122210415 us.
grid2(RunTime): 4188.284518828452 us.
top95(RunTime): 657000.0 us.


iMac:benchmark mythz$ pypy --version
Python 2.7.3 (480845e6b1dd, Jul 31 2013, 10:58:28)
[PyPy 2.1.0 with GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Clang Compiler]

iMac:benchmark mythz$ pypy 
grid1(RunTime): 1369 us.
grid2(RunTime): 3323 us.
top95(RunTime): 678333 us.

C# / Mono

iMac:benchmark mythz$ mono --version
Mono JIT compiler version 3.2.0 ((no/7c7fcc7 Tue Jul 23 19:59:39 EDT 2013)
Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Novell, Inc, Xamarin Inc and Contributors.
    TLS:           normal
    SIGSEGV:       altstack
    Notification:  kqueue
    Architecture:  x86
    Disabled:      none
    Misc:          softdebug 
    LLVM:          yes(3.3svn-mono)
    GC:            sgen

iMac:benchmark mythz$ dmcs -w:0 -optimize sudoku.cs
iMac:benchmark mythz$ mono sudoku.exe 
grid1(RunTime): 3673.39449541284 us.
grid2(RunTime): 6934.25605536332 us.
top95(RunTime): 1291000 us.

C# / .NET 4.0 (in Paralells Windows 8 VM)

C:\src\sudoku_solver\benchmark>csc /optimize /warn:0 sudoku.cs
Microsoft (R) Visual C# Compiler version 4.0.30319.17929
for Microsoft (R) .NET Framework 4.5
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

grid1(RunTime): 4558.08656036446 us.
grid2(RunTime): 8629.31034482759 us.
top95(RunTime): 1517500 us.


iMac:benchmark mythz$ python --version
Python 2.7.5

iMac:benchmark mythz$ python 
grid1(RunTime): 4694 us.
grid2(RunTime): 8587 us.
top95(RunTime): 1629000 us.


iMac:benchmark mythz$ coffee -v
CoffeeScript version 1.6.3
iMac:benchmark mythz$ node -v

iMac:benchmark mythz$ coffee 
grid1(RunTime): 6434.083601286174 us.
grid2(RunTime): 112111.11111111111 us.
top95(RunTime): 3817000 us.


iMac:benchmark mythz$ ruby --version
ruby 2.0.0p247 (2013-06-27 revision 41674) [universal.x86_64-darwin13]

iMac:benchmark mythz$ ruby sudoku.rb 
grid1(RunTime): 7165.203571428572 us.
grid2(RunTime): 50142.12500000001 us.
top95(RunTime): 131944815.0 us.

Benchmark Notes

Unlike many benchmarks these stand-alone ports weren't written with performance in mind. i.e They were designed to show a readable and expressive example of Peter Norvig's original Python solution available in each language. These benchmarks then only show the performace of each languages contained 'readable style'.

I added the benchmark harness used in each port, which was based on Dart's benchmark_harness that is currently being used to measure Dart's performance. i.e. There's a 100ms warmup, before running the specific benchmark for 2000ms, then returning the avg time for each iteration in Microseconds (µs). Whilst I aimed to keep the implementation of each benchmark harness as close as possible, if there is a more accurate / high-precision (stand-alone) method available please send in a pull-request and I'll update the results.

The 'Hard1' board benchmarks

Peter Norvig's hard1 sample board was run in isolation since in most cases each took a lot longer than the 2s run rate being sampled above. In addition to the performace results varying significantly, most found different correct solutions to the same board (i.e. only Python / C# returned same board). The results however are deterministic, i.e. each run results in the same board being returned within the same time-frame.


iMac:hard1 mythz$ dart sudoku.dart 
hard1: .....6....59.....82....8....45........3........6..3.54...325..6..................
4 8 7 |2 5 6 |3 1 9 
6 5 9 |7 3 1 |4 2 8 
2 3 1 |4 9 8 |6 7 5 
9 4 5 |6 1 2 |7 8 3 
7 1 3 |5 8 4 |9 6 2 
8 2 6 |9 7 3 |1 5 4 
1 7 4 |3 2 5 |8 9 6 
3 9 2 |8 6 7 |5 4 1 
5 6 8 |1 4 9 |2 3 7 

solved: true, in 64ms


iMac:hard1 mythz$ pypy 
hard1: .....6....59.....82....8....45........3........6..3.54...325..6..................
4 3 8 |7 9 6 |2 1 5 
6 5 9 |1 3 2 |4 7 8 
2 7 1 |4 5 8 |6 9 3 
8 4 5 |2 1 9 |3 6 7 
7 1 3 |5 6 4 |8 2 9 
9 2 6 |8 7 3 |1 5 4 
1 9 4 |3 2 5 |7 8 6 
3 6 2 |9 8 7 |5 4 1 
5 8 7 |6 4 1 |9 3 2 

solved: True, in 37301.27 ms

C# / .NET (in Paralells Windows 8 VM)

C:\Users\mythz\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\Sudoku\Sudoku\bin\Release>Sudoku.exe
hard1: .....6....59.....82....8....45........3........6..3.54...325..6..................
4 3 8 |7 9 6 |2 1 5
6 5 9 |1 3 2 |4 7 8
2 7 1 |4 5 8 |6 9 3
8 4 5 |2 1 9 |3 6 7
7 1 3 |5 6 4 |8 2 9
9 2 6 |8 7 3 |1 5 4
1 9 4 |3 2 5 |7 8 6
3 6 2 |9 8 7 |5 4 1
5 8 7 |6 4 1 |9 3 2

solved: True, in 50079ms

C# / Mono

iMac:hard1 mythz$ mono sudoku.exe 
hard1: .....6....59.....82....8....45........3........6..3.54...325..6..................
4 3 8 |7 9 6 |2 1 5 
6 5 9 |1 3 2 |4 7 8 
2 7 1 |4 5 8 |6 9 3 
8 4 5 |2 1 9 |3 6 7 
7 1 3 |5 6 4 |8 2 9 
9 2 6 |8 7 3 |1 5 4 
1 9 4 |3 2 5 |7 8 6 
3 6 2 |9 8 7 |5 4 1 
5 8 7 |6 4 1 |9 3 2 

solved: True, in 51971ms


iMac:hard1 mythz$ python 
hard1: .....6....59.....82....8....45........3........6..3.54...325..6..................
4 3 8 |7 9 6 |2 1 5 
6 5 9 |1 3 2 |4 7 8 
2 7 1 |4 5 8 |6 9 3 
8 4 5 |2 1 9 |3 6 7 
7 1 3 |5 6 4 |8 2 9 
9 2 6 |8 7 3 |1 5 4 
1 9 4 |3 2 5 |7 8 6 
3 6 2 |9 8 7 |5 4 1 
5 8 7 |6 4 1 |9 3 2 

solved: True, in 79835.44 ms


iMac:hard1 mythz$ ruby sudoku.rb 
hard1: .....6....59.....82....8....45........3........6..3.54...325..6..................
4 6 2 |8 7 9 |1 3 5 
3 5 7 |4 1 2 |9 6 8 
8 9 1 |5 3 6 |4 2 7 
7 1 4 |2 5 8 |3 9 6 
9 3 5 |1 6 7 |2 8 4 
6 2 8 |9 4 3 |5 7 1 
2 4 6 |3 8 1 |7 5 9 
1 7 9 |6 2 5 |8 4 3 
5 8 3 |7 9 4 |6 1 2 
solved: true, in 229950.406ms


Ran for over 1hr, but never finished. 


Contributions for more languages or to make the existing ports more idiomatic are welcome.


Solving Every Sudoku Puzzle by Peter Norvig in Dart, Python, C#, Ruby, CoffeeScript







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