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Dash Core 0.13.3 Release Announcement

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@codablock codablock released this 04 Apr 18:55
· 12916 commits to master since this release

Dash Core 0.13.3 Release Announcement

We are happy to announce the release of This release includes binaries, which can be downloaded above.

About this Release

Dash Core is a minor release of the Dash Core 0.13.x.x series.

This minor release only contains bugfixes and we consider this a stable release.

As spork15 has been activated on mainnet, there is no need for masternode start anymore. Upgrading a masternode now only involves replacing binaries and restarting the node.

Notable changes

Number of false-positives from anti virus software should be reduced

We have removed all mining code from Windows and Mac binaries, which should avoid most of the false-positive alerts from anti virus software. Linux builds are not affected. The mining code found in dash-qt and dashd are only meant for regression/integration tests and devnets, so there is no harm in removing this code from non-linux builds.

Fixed an issue with invalid merkle blocks causing SPV nodes to ban other nodes

A fix that was introduces in the last minor version caused creation of invalid merkle blocks, which in turn cause SPV nodes to ban 0.13.2 nodes. This can be observed on mobile clients which have troubles maintaining connections. This release fixes this issue and should allow SPV/mobile clients to sync with upgraded nodes.

Hardened spork15 value to 1047200

We've hardened the spork15 block height to 1047200, which makes sure that syncing from scratch will always work, no matter if spork15 is received in-time or not.

Bug fixes/Other improvements

There are few bug fixes in this release:

  • Fixed an issue with transaction sometimes not being fully zapped when -zapwallettxes is used
  • Fixed an issue with the protx revoke RPC and REASON_CHANGE_OF_KEYS

You can find detailed release notes at