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Dash Core Release Announcement

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@codablock codablock released this 04 Jul 14:06
· 12348 commits to master since this release

We are happy to announce the release of This release includes binaries, which can be downloaded above.

About this Release

Dash Core is a minor release of the Dash Core 0.14.0.x series.

This is a new minor version release, bringing various bugfixes and we consider this a stable release.
We suggest everyone to upgrade who encounters issues with initial sync or reindexes being very slow or crashing.

Notable changes

Performance improvements

Slow startup times were observed in older versions. This was due to sub-optimal handling of old
deterministic masternode lists which caused the loading of too many lists into memory. This should be
fixed now.

Fixed excessive memory use

Multiple issues were found which caused excessive use of memory in some situations, especially when
a full reindex was performed, causing the node to crash even when enough RAM was available. This should
be fixed now.

Fixed out-of-sync masternode list UI

The masternode tab, which shows the masternode list, was not always up-to-date as it missed some internal
updates. This should be fixed now.

Release Notes

You can find detailed release notes at The release notes also contain instructions and links to further documentation for masternode operators and miners.


Thanks go out to all Dash Core contributors, everyone who submitted issues, reviewed pull requests or helped translating on Transifex and also to Bitcoin Core Developers.