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Dash Core 18.1.1 Release Announcement

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@PastaPastaPasta PastaPastaPasta released this 08 Jan 05:38
· 6140 commits to master since this release

We are happy to announce the release of 18.1.1. This release includes binaries that you can download above.

About this release

This release fixes an issue where outdated qfcommit messages replayed to the network were validated and propagated to other nodes rather than dropped. This patch updates the behavior so that old qfcommits will no longer be relayed.

Dash Core 18.1.1 is a hot fix version of the Dash Core 18.x.x series. You can find detailed release notes at

This release is highly recommended for all nodes, especially masternodes. Failure to upgrade is likely to result in PoSe bans for masternodes.

Verification of Downloads

This release was signed by (GPG fingerprint: 2959 0362 EC87 8A81 FD3C 202B 5252 7BED ABE8 7984).

It is important to verify the binaries you download by following one of these guides:


Thanks go out to all Dash Core contributors, everyone who submitted issues, reviewed pull requests or helped translate on Transifex, and also to Bitcoin Core developers.