Javascript client to interact with databases uploaded to Datasketch. This client is written in TypeScript and provides type definitions out of the box.
npm i @datasketch/bases-client
import { BasesClient } from '@datasketch/bases-client'
Create a new instance of BasesClient
// Visit your settings page at datasketch to get the token
const client = new BasesClient({
org: 'your-organization',
db: 'your-database',
token: 'your-api-token',
tbl: 'initial-table' // Optional
setTable(tbl: string): Promise<void>
Sets the current table for subsequent operations. If the table is different from the current one, it will request a new authentication token.
await client.setTable('new-table');
getRecords<T>(): Promise<T[]>
Retrieves all records from the current table.
const records = await client.getRecords();
getRecord<T>(id: string): Promise<T | null>
Retrieves a single record by its ID.
const record = await client.getRecord('record-id');
if (record) {
} else {
console.log('Record not found');
insertRecords<T>(data: T[]): Promise<{ success: boolean }>
Inserts new records into the current table.
const newRecord = { name: 'John Doe', age: 30 };
const result = await client.insertRecords([newRecord]);
console.log(`Inserted record: ${result.success}`);
updateRecord<T>(id: string, data: Partial<T>): Promise<{ success: boolean }>
Updates an existing record in the current table.
const result = await client.updateRecord('record-id', { age: 31 });
console.log(`Updated record: ${result.success}`);
deleteRecord(id: string): Promise<{ success: boolean }>
Deletes a record from the current table.
const result = await client.deleteRecord('record-id');
console.log(`Deleted record: ${result.success}`);
// Create a client
const client = new BasesClient({
org: 'my-org',
db: 'my-db',
token: 'my-token'
// Set initial table
await client.setTable('users');
// Get all records
const allUsers = await client.getRecords();
console.log('All users:', allUsers);
// Retrieve the record
const user = await client.getRecord(userId);
console.log('User:', user);
// Insert a record
let result = await client.insertRecord({ name: 'Alice', email: '[email protected]' });
console.log(`Record inserted successfully: ${result.success}`);
// Insert multiple records
result = await client.insertRecords([
{ name: 'Alice', email: '[email protected]' },
{ name: 'Sam', email: '[email protected]' }
console.log(`Multiple records inserted successfully: ${result.success}`);
// Update the record
result = await client.updateRecord(userId, { name: 'Alice Smith' });
console.log(`Record updated successfully: ${result.success}`);
// Delete the record
result = await client.deleteRecord(userId);
console.log(`Record deleted successfully: ${result.success}`);
// Switch to a different table
await client.setTable('products');
// Now operations will be performed on the 'products' table
const allProducts = await client.getRecords();
console.log('All products:', allProducts);