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Releases: dattalab/keypoint-moseq

Keypoint MoSeq 0.5.2

20 Feb 19:31
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  • Same as 0.5.1, but with a few errors corrected.

Keypoint MoSeq 0.5.1

20 Feb 18:38
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  • Refactored installation to remove backwards compatibility with CUDA11 - CUDA12 is now the only option.
  • Removed conda environment yaml files - installation should now happen only with pip. Installation instructions here:
  • Keypoint-moseq now requires python 3.10 or greater instead of python 3.9 or greater.

What's Changed

Keypoint MoSeq 0.5.0

18 Oct 20:03
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: 0.4.10...0.5.0

Keypoint MoSeq 0.4.10

07 Oct 19:59
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What's Changed

New downsampling/trimming API documented here:

Full Changelog: 0.4.9...0.4.10

Keypoint MoSeq 0.4.9

04 Sep 02:01
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: 0.4.8...0.4.9

Keypoint MoSeq 0.4.8

27 Aug 13:57
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  • Added support for DANNCE
  • Updated link to keypoint moseq paper

Full Changelog: 0.4.7...0.4.8

Keypoint MoSeq 0.4.7

17 Apr 16:56
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Pin etils and scipy versions

Keypoint MoSeq 0.4.6

16 Apr 22:08
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: 0.4.5...0.4.6

Keypoint MoSeq 0.4.5

28 Feb 15:11
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Added FreiPose loader and function for saving keypoints.

Loading keypoints from FreiPose

To load keypoints output by FreiPose, use:

coordinates, confidences, bodyparts = kpms.load_keypoints(filepath_pattern, "freipose")

Note that confidences is set uniformly to 1, since the FreiPose scores range from <0 to >1 and therefore can't be used for modeling. Also bodyparts is None because these are not stored in the FreiPose output.

Initializing a config from FreiPose

Its also possible to setup a kpms config using a FreiPose config:

kpms.setup_project('test', freipose_config="path/to/skeleton_config.cfg.json")

The FreiPose config will be used to populate "bodyparts", "use_bodyparts" and "skeleton" in the kpms config. In some cases, the FreiPose skeleton may use a pair of keypoints to define one end of a limb. In FreiPose, this is used to indicate a limb midpoint. Since the same option is not available in kpms, the first bodypart in the pair is selected as the end of the limb.

Export keypoints

A new convenience function has been added for exporting keypoints:

kpms.save_keypoints(save_dir, coordinates, confidences=confidences, bodyparts=bodyparts)

One csv file is saved for each recording in coordinates. Each row in the csv corresponds to one frame and the columns are named

"BODYPART1_x", "BODYPART1_y", "BODYPART1_conf", "BODYPART2_x", ...

Columns with confidence scores are ommitted if confidences is not provided. Besides confidences, there can be 2 or 3 columns for each bodypart, depending on whether the keypoints are 2D or 3D.

Keypoint MoSeq 0.4.4

03 Feb 19:10
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Added support for loading DLC files with unique bodyparts