Simple, easy-to-integrate PyTorch implementation of GradNorm:
Despite its popularity, GradNorm has rather few mature implementations in open source. There are several other PyTorch implementations of GradNorm:
However, each of these has one or more shortcomings that can cause issues when using them in larger PyTorch training frameworks:
- The library requires delegating execution of
to it, preventing frameworks like PyTorch Lightning or Keras from being able to call the.backward()
, as in 1 and 2. - The library is not standalone, as in 3.
- The library lacks verifiably correct behavior compared to the original paper, as in 1, 3-4.
This repo aims to address this, by being completely separate from the model's training loop and having verified performance.
Usage is easy, just 3 lines:
gradnorm = GradNorm(model.last_shared_layer, alpha=0.12, number_of_tasks=10,
lr=1e-3, lr_warmup=1000, device='cuda:0')
# in training loop
L_grad = gradnorm.gradnorm(task_losses)
Insert it into your training loop like so:
for epoch in range(epochs):
for x, y_true in dataloader:
x, y_true =,
y_pred = model(x)
# Your training loop's loss calculation for each task
task_losses = F.mse_loss(y_pred, y_true, reduction='none').mean(dim=-1)
L_i = task_losses.mean(dim=0)
L = torch.sum(gradnorm.w_i * L_i) # <--- Use gradnorm weights w_i here
# Your training loop's backward call
L.backward(retain_graph=True) # retain_graph=True is currently required
# Compute the GradNorm loss
L_grad = gradnorm.gradnorm(L_i) # <--- Line 1
gradnorm.apply_grads(L_grad) # <--- Line 2
We re-create the toy model experiment from the paper with the below results.
Where the paper results are:
Experimenting with different learning rates yields slightly different curves. Adding a learning rate warmup to the toy model training yields even smoother weight adjustments.