go get github.com/daved/clic
Package clic provides streamlined POSIX-friendly CLI command parsing.
type Clic
func New(h Handler, name string, subs ...*Clic) *Clic
func NewFromFunc(f HandlerFunc, name string, subs ...*Clic) *Clic
func (c *Clic) Flag(val any, names, usage string) *flagset.Flag
func (c *Clic) Handle(ctx context.Context) error
func (c *Clic) Operand(val any, req bool, name, desc string) *operandset.Operand
func (c *Clic) Parse(args []string) error
func (c *Clic) Recursively(fn func(*Clic))
func (c *Clic) Usage() string
// see package docs for more
func main() {
// error handling omitted to keep example focused
var (
info = "default"
value = "unset"
// Associate HandlerFunc with command name
root := clic.NewFromFunc(printFunc(&info, &value), "myapp")
// Associate flag and operand variables with relevant names
root.Flag(&info, "i|info", "Set additional info.")
root.Operand(&value, true, "first_operand", "Value to be printed.")
// Parse the cli command as `myapp --info=flagval arrrg`
cmd, _ := c.Parse([]string{"--info=flagval", "arrrg"})
// Run the handler that Parse resolved to
_ = cmd.Handle(context.Background())
Three types of arguments are handled: commands (and subcommands), flags (and their values), and operands. Commands and subcommands can each define their own flags and operands. Arguments that are not subcommands or flag-related (no hyphen prefix, not a flag value), will be treated as operands.
Example argument layout:
command --flag=flag-value subcommand -f flag-value operand_a operand_b
value from the example above:
myapp [FLAGS] <first_operand>
Flags for myapp:
-i, --info =STRING default: default
Set additional info.
The Tmpl type eases custom templating. Custom data can be attached to instances of Clic, FlagSet, Flag, OperandSet, and Operand via their Meta fields for use in templates. The default template construction function (NewUsageTmpl) can be used as a reference for custom templates.
- Long and short flags should be supported in a reasonably normal manner
- Use the term "Operand" rather than the ambiguous "Arg"
- Flags should not be processed after operands
- Usage output should be familiar and effective
Simple and powerful:
- The API surface should be small and flexible
- Flags and operands should not be auto-set (e.g. help flag set explicitly)
- Advanced usage should look similar to basic usage
- Users should be trusted to understand/use the type system (e.g. interfaces)
- Users should be trusted to understand/use advanced control flow mechanisms
Package docs contain suggestions for three stages of application growth.