Streams a file (seq or prg) from disk 8 replacing all occurances of old text with new text
- new text can be larger than old, or vice versa, or same length
- does work with BASIC files, as Commodore 64 will relink on load
- won't work with machine code or fixed data if change length as addresses/offsets will be off
- limited error checking
- should work with most 8-bit Commodores, written in generic BASIC
(c) 2024 Dave Van Wagner Open Source MIT License
10 print"searchreplace"
12 print"for commodore"
14 print"(c) 2024"
16 print"mit license"
18 print
20 print "search/replace binary"
22 print "file";
24 input fi$
26 print"[s]eq or [p]rg? ";
28 input ft$
30 print "old string:";
32 input ol$
34 print "new string:";
36 input nw$
38 open 1,8,0,fi$+","+ft$+",r"
40 if st<>0 then print "fail":clr:end
42 s1=st
44 nf$="results"
46 open 2,8,1,nf$+","+ft$+",w"
48 if st<>0 then print "fail":clr:end
50 iflen(sr$)>0thenc$=left$(sr$,1):sr$=mid$(sr$,2):goto 56
52 if s1<>0 then 74
54 get #1,c$:s1=st:if c$="" then c$=chr$(0)
56 if c$<>left$(ol$,1) then print#2,c$;:goto 50
58 sr$=c$+sr$
60 if sr$=ol$ then 72
62 if s1<>0 then 74
64 get#1,c$:s1=st:if c$="" then c$=chr$(0)
66 sr$=sr$+c$
68 ifsr$<>left$(ol$,len(sr$))thenprint#2,left$(sr$,1);:sr$=mid$(sr$,2):goto50
70 goto 60
72 print#2,nw$;:sr$="":goto52
74 print#2,sr$;
76 close 2
78 close 1
80 print "saved to ";nf$
82 end