βββ app # Frontend Vue.js application
βββ contracts # Smart contracts
βββ doc # Project documentation including the protocol definition
βββ lerna.json # Lerna config
βββ package.json # Root package configuration
βββ tsconfig.json # Typescript configuration
βββ tsconfig.settings.json # Typescript configuration
βββ types # Shared types
βββ vetur.config.js # Vetur configuration
βββ yarn.lock # Yarn lock file
βββ README.md
Checkout the CONTRIBUTING.md if you'd like to help with building dGrants
This project is a monorepo with two packages:
contains the smart contractsapp/
is a frontend
To ensure that everyone is using the same version of nodejs on this project, volta is recommended!
Copy app/.env.template
to app/.env
and edit, providing your own env vars. You will have to supply a Blocknative API key and an Alchemy API key. Both services have free tiers which are sufficient for development.
cp app/.env.template app/.env
Copy contracts/.env.template
to contracts/.env
and edit, providing your own env vars
cp contracts/.env.template contracts/.env
You will have to supply an Alchemy API Key. An account with their free tier is sufficient for development. You'll also need a Fleek IPFS endpoint key in your .env file.
yarn dev
yarn lint
yarn test
yarn build
If you are working on one component or the other, you can use workspace aliases to run commands defined in the corresponding package.json
For example, to run smart contract tests only:
yarn contracts test
or to start the frontend locally in development mode:
yarn app dev
Versioning and Changelogs are managed by Lerna.
Guidance around when to increase versions is coming soon.
To increase the version number and include the short hash of the git commit ID, use the following commands.
$ yarn bump:patch
$ yarn bump:minor
$ yarn bump:major
To promote a pre-release version to release which removes the short hash from the version, use the following commands.
$ yarn release:patch
$ yarn release:minor
$ yarn release:major
In order for merged PRs to be added to the changelog, you must use one of the following tags in Github for each PR.
- enhancement - A feature or addition to the codebase
- bug - A fix for a bug
- breaking - A change that breaks compatability or requires configuration changes
- documentation - Changes or additions to documentation
- internal - Changes or updates to build mechanisms
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