This project is building a movie app to display movies.
Bootstrapped with Create React App. [OMDB API] ( - collects the posters for the movies we're searching for. Insomnia to play with the API anc check the JSON received from our requests. Bootstrap
This creates a new React app in our directory.
npx create-react-app movie-app
This command will install packages which might take a couple of minutes. It will install react, react-dom, react-scripts with cra-template.
A git repo will be initialized and the template's dependencies will be using npm.
npm start
- starts the dev server
To view within browser open to http://localhost:3000.
Page will reload when changes are made and ESLint errors displays within the console.
npm run build
- bundles the app into static files for production and optimizes the build for the best performance. After build is minified the filenames include hashes.
npm text
- starts the test server in interactive watch mode.
npm run eject
- removes this tool and copies build dependencies, config files and scripts into the app directory.
There's no need to use eject.
In Terminal:
cd TV-Shows-and-Movie-Tracker
npm install bootstrap
npm start
Visit the app within the browser locally on port 3000.