Use this repository to listen to a specific Telegram message on a specific group or channel, parse it and instantly buy a token and sell it using a time or price strategy.
Everything is done automatically, you just need to choose the parameters.
Go to and create a new app
Create new file call
{ "private_key": "XXX", "public_key": "XXX", "telegram_api_id": XXX, "telegram_api_hash": "XXX" }
On first use you will need to sign in to your Telegram account. Enter your phone number with country code and then enter the code you got
Modify the parameters as will
const SellStrategy = SellStrategyByPrice;
const amountToBuy = "0.1";
await telegramListener(
'Pancakeswap Pumping ©', // The group/channel name
'6 HOURS REMAINING', // Part or all message of user to listen to, null means all users
30, // Number of messages to fetch when searching user to listen to
async (message) => { // The call back with the message of the user
const regex = /outputCurrency=(.*)\s/i;
if (regex.test(message)) {
const shitTokenAddress = message.match(regex)[1].trim();
console.log("Found shittoken", shitTokenAddress);
await pancakeSwapRouter.swapBNBToShitToken(shitTokenAddress, amountToBuy);
try {
// Stop listening to Telegram messages
return true;
} finally {
await SellStrategy.sell(amountToBuy, shitTokenAddress);
} else {
console.log(`Skipping message: ${message}`);
return false;
This strategy is very simple and will sell the meme token after specific time has passed.
This strategy will sell the token when the profit from selling the token gets to a specific amount.
- Add TypeScript