This library lets you use test decorators to create your test suite, with all these benefits
- You can create tests suites and tests using classes, instead of jest or mocha anonymous functions
- You can inject your components in your tests, instead of using app.get(Component to use)
- You can use inheritance
- You can pick which test or suite you want to run
@TestSuite('Demo Test Suite')
export class DemoTest {
private readonly httpService: HttpService
@Test('Get Test')
async testGet(): Promise<void> {
const { data } = await firstValueFrom(this.httpService.get('http://localhost:4343/demo'))
expect(data).toBe('Hello, Test world !')
Install with npm globally: ( as a development dependency because it will be use for tests only )
npm i --save-dev nestjs-mocha-decorators
Its better with an example.
- Add your tests entry point in test directory ( test/test.entrypoint.ts )
import { HttpModule } from '@nestjs/axios';
import { ConsoleLogger, INestApplication } from '@nestjs/common';
import { Test, TestingModule, TestingModuleBuilder } from '@nestjs/testing';
import { MochaTestModule, MochaTestService } from '../src'; // Change this to import { MochaTestModule, MochaTestService } from 'nestjs-mocha-decorators'
import { DemoTest } from './tests/demo.test';
import { YourAppModule } from './your-app/your-app.module';
import { run } from 'mocha';
const initNest = async (): Promise<INestApplication> => {
const testingModuleBuilder: TestingModuleBuilder = await Test.createTestingModule({
imports: [
YourAppModule, // The app to test
MochaTestModule.registerTests([DemoTest], [HttpModule]) // Your test suite
const testingModule: TestingModule = await testingModuleBuilder.compile();
const app = testingModule.createNestApplication();
app.useLogger(new ConsoleLogger());
return app
(async (): Promise<void> => {
const app = await initNest();
- Add this line to your package.json
"test": "mocha --delay --exit --require ts-node/register --require tsconfig-paths/register test/test.entrypoint.ts"
- Start coding your tests
import { HttpService } from "@nestjs/axios";
import { Inject } from "@nestjs/common";
import { firstValueFrom } from "rxjs";
import { Test, TestSuite } from "../../src";
import expect from 'expect'
@TestSuite('Demo Test Suite')
export class DemoTest {
private readonly httpService: HttpService
@Test('Get Test')
async testGet(): Promise<void> {
const { data } = await firstValueFrom(this.httpService.get('http://localhost:4343/demo'))
expect(data).toBe('Hello, Test world !')
- Run all your tests with:
npm run test
- If you want to run the tests of a single class ( suite ), you can:
SUITETORUN="Demo Test Suite" npm run test
- Or, perhaps you want to run a single test, with:
TESTTORUN="Get Test" npm run test
Creating a ticket on github can be very annoying ... send me your comments, problems and suggestions to [email protected]
Best !