Denota is a token agreement protocol designed for the EVM. It enables users to mint and interact with token agreement NFTs (Notas for short) which can store a token balance, arbitrary metadata, and the address of it's hook logic. Hooks act as both a validation and additional storage layer for Notas and can be deployed permisionlessly. Any action that modifies the Nota's state (token balance, ownership, or metadata) calls into the hook which determines what fee to charge and what action (if any) to call next. By treating agreements as first-class assets, Denota provides a foundation for developers to build modular financial, contractual, and governance mechanisms onchain.
Run the command below to install from scratch:
make fresh-install
Build the contracts:
forge build
forge test
Adding -m nameOfTestContract
will run a specific test.
Run a local blockchain:
Deploy the contracts to the local blockchain
make deploy-local
Deploy to all supported testnets (if not already deployed)
make deploy-testnets
If you wish to redeploy to a specific testnet, delete the desired contract address in contractAddresses.json.
Foundry compiles, deploys, tests, and manages dependencies for your contracts. It also lets you interact with the chain from the command-line and via Solidity scripts. Check out the Foundry Book for more specifics.
forge update
will update all dependencies at once.
(TODO: this currently doesn't work)
Run npm run solhint
for linting to see Solidity warnings and errors.
Use npm run prettier:ts
and npm run prettier:solidity
to manually format TypeScript and Solidity.
These commands are automatically run pre-push via Husky Git hooks.