This is an R package for using remote folders with rclone and other storage sync tools such as OneDrive app.
Rclone users will also need to download and install rclone. Then you will want to configure rclone for the remotes you intend to use.
See also: the folders package.
You can install the development version from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
Or, if you prefer using pacman:
if (!requireNamespace("pacman", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages('pacman')
This package is intended to be used with its sister package folders as follows:
Configure your folder paths and store them in a configuration file:
# Attach packages, installing as needed
if(!requireNamespace('pacman', quietly = TRUE)) install.packages('pacman')
pacman::p_load(folders, tibble)
# Define remote path variables
remote_org <- 'myorg'
remote_name <- 'mygroup'
remote_path <- file.path('Documents')
# Create paths for OneDrive and SharePoint folders
m365_folders <- get_m365_folders(remote_org)
# Create folders if missing
res <- create_folders(m365_folders)
# Define local path variable
local_path <- file.path(m365_folders$sharepoint, remote_name, remote_path)
# Define an alternate data path
data_path <- normalizePath(file.path(local_path, 'data'), mustWork = FALSE)
# Create a default list of folders
folders <- list(default = get_folders(here::here('conf', 'folders.yml')))
# Add the alternate data path to the folders list
folders[[[['sysname']]]]$data <- data_path
# +++++++++++++
# rclone setup
# +++++++++++++
# Setup for rclone is optional if you intend to use the OneDrive app instead
# Format remote and local paths for rclone
remote_path <- fmt_rclone_remote_path(remote_name, remote_path)
local_path <- fmt_rclone_local_path(local_path)
# Create a list of rclone configuration parameters
rclone <- tibble::lst(remote_org, remote_name, remote_path, local_path)
# Sync files from remote to confirm the settings are correct (optional)
with(rclone, rclone_sync(remote_name, remote_path, local_path))
# Add the rclone parameters to the folders list
folders[[[['sysname']]]]$rclone <- rclone
# ++++++++++++++++++++
# End of rclone setup
# ++++++++++++++++++++
# Save the modified folder configuration to a new configuration file
yaml::write_yaml(folders, file = here::here('conf', 'folders_sp.yml'))
Now that there is a configuration file containing your settings, you can use code like this in your R scripts:
# Attach packages, installing as needed
if(!requireNamespace('pacman', quietly = TRUE)) install.packages('pacman')
# Read edited configuration file
conf <- here::here('conf', 'folders_sp.yml')
folders <- get_folders(conf, conf_name =[['sysname']])
# Sync files from remote
if ('rclone' %in% names(folders)) {
with(folders$rclone, rclone_sync(remote_name, remote_path, local_path))
# Create data folder if missing
res <- create_folders(folders$data)
# Save a file to the data folder
write.csv(iris, file = file.path(folders$data, 'iris.csv'), row.names = FALSE)
# Show contents of data folder
# Sync files to remote
if ('rclone' %in% names(folders)) {
with(folders$rclone, rclone_sync(remote_name, local_path, remote_path))