Releases: department-of-veterans-affairs/component-library
Releases · department-of-veterans-affairs/component-library
What's Changed
New Features & Components 🎉
- va-table: Add striped variation by @jamigibbs in #1439
- va-alert-sign-in: Modifying headline to use rems by @Andrew565 in #1438
- va-process-list-item: Move status eyebrow into header so that it gets read by screen readers by @powellkerry in #1437
- va-table: Fix screen reader not announcing sort by @ataker in #1433
- va-file-input-multiple: Fix multiple emits of vaMultipleChange by @ataker in #1440
Full Changelog: v48.2.0...v48.3.0
What's Changed
New Features & Components 🎉
- va-process-list: add ability to customize eyebrow status text by @powellkerry in #1422
- va-combo-box: add new component by @oleksii-morgun in #1373
- va-process-list-item: add HeaderLevel element with part=header for custom styling by @powellkerry in #1427
- va-checkbox: add indeterminate prop by @jamigibbs in #1426
- va-alert-sign-in: add new component by @Andrew565 in #1424
- va-table: add scrollable prop by @janechodance in #1428
- va-accordion: remove aria-controls and aria-expanded from expand all button by @1Copenut in #1400
- va-table: Parse html to plain string before setting it to CSS content by @ataker in #1431
- va-language-toggle: Add label text to event, remove va-link analytics by @ataker in #1434
Other Changes
- CSS library: add address block by @rsmithadhoc in #1432
New Contributors
- @janechodance made their first contribution in #1428
Full Changelog: v48.1.1...v48.2.0
What's Changed
- va-alert: add full width functionality by @jamigibbs in #1421
Other Changes
- CSS Library: add feedback-related foreground tokens by @narin in #1417
- CSS Library: core imports by @micahchiang in #1359
Full Changelog: v48.1.0...v48.1.1
What's Changed
New Features & Components 🎉
- va-language-toggle: add component by @it-harrison in #1386
- build: allow vite to lazy load stencil components by @gsong in #1415
- va-accordion: fix Stencil test re-render warning by @jamigibbs in #1403
- va-text-input: resolve Stencil test warnings by @jamigibbs in #1405
- va-additional-info & va-alert-expandable: remove slot content from Stencil axe test by @jamigibbs in #1406
- va-link & va-link-action: update analytics tests and lifecycle by @jamigibbs in #1407
- va-table: update loading lifecycle and fix Stencil axe error by @jamigibbs in #1410
- va-banner: fix analytics Stencil test warnings by @jamigibbs in #1408
- va-language-toggle: resolve Stencil test warning and errors by @jamigibbs in #1413
- va-table: add horizontal overflow scrolling and update screen reader button text by @ataker in #1416
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v48.0.2...v48.1.0
What's Changed
- va-on-this-page: updating line-length for list items to use new token by @Andrew565 in #1394
- va-alert: remove presentation role by @rsmithadhoc in #1398
- va-link: Replacing external icon with text by @Andrew565 in #1396
- Update to USWDS v3.9.0 by @jamigibbs in #1397
Other Changes
- css-library: add source-sans normalize token and rename "base" token to be "root" by @powellkerry in #1399
Full Changelog: v48.0.1...v48.0.2
- Update the
package version for release - See v48.0.0 release notes for release details
What's Changed
Breaking Changes
New Features & Components 🎉
- va-telephone: allow non-US phone numbers by @Andrew565 in #1389
- va-pagination: update list item, next, and previous link accessible labels for screen reader consistency by @1Copenut in #1388
Other Changes
- CSS Library: add line-length tokens by @Andrew565 in #1382
- CSS Library: add USWDS theme setting for medium-screen breakpoint utilities by @jamigibbs in #1379
Full Changelog: v47.3.0...v48.0.0
What's Changed
New Features & Components 🎉
- va-file-input: add support for read-only mode by @pennja in #1300
- va-date: add prop to make month optional by @it-harrison in #1377
- va-select: add import for focusable mixin by @powellkerry in #1376
- va-modal: set overflow-wrap:anywhere on modal content by @powellkerry in #1372
- focusable: add tabindex selector by @powellkerry in #1380
Other Changes
- CSS Library: style and image path updates for alert and action link modules by @jamigibbs in #1378
- CSS Library: remove the /alerts image path by @jamigibbs in #1381
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v47.2.0...v47.3.0
What's Changed
New Features & Components 🎉
- va-process-list-item: Add text to describe status by @powellkerry in #1362
- Add custom message to va-file-input and update message in va-file-input-multiple by @ataker in #1367
- va-table: add sorting variation by @it-harrison in #1358
- va-modal: set box-sizing to border-box to prevent text overflow by @powellkerry in #1357
- va-accordion: open accordion when media is print by @ataker in #1363
- va-process-list: update status eyebrow text to uppercase by @powellkerry in #1365
- va-process-list: change color variable from usa to vads by @powellkerry in #1368
- va-table: show table header for non-stacked & stacked small screen by @harshil1793 in #1364
- va-table: update va-table-inner to properly scope table header row to columns by @1Copenut in #1370
Other Changes
- CSS Library: replace FA icons for action link and alert classes by @jamigibbs in #1371
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v47.1.0...v47.2.0
What's Changed
New Features & Components 🎉
- va-on-this-page: Rewrite to use ul instead of dl for list of links by @Andrew565 in #1346
Other Changes
- CSS Library: update margin auto value by @micahchiang in #1352
- CSS Library: update font-family utility map base name by @jamigibbs in #1354
Full Changelog: v47.0.0...v47.1.0