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Files and resources for using Data Science, Python, and Jupyter Notebooks in the practice of Digital Humanities
To use the notebooks in a browser go to
Derek's e-mail: [email protected]
- Intro
- Ice breaking
- Expectations
- "Level Setting"
- The basics
- Jupyter Notebooks
- Python
- The NLTK Book
- Chapter 1 (book module)
- Chapter 2 (corpora module)
- Chapter 3 (raw text)
- Machine Learning and Text
- Simple Webscraping to get a corpus
- Machine Learning intro
- Look at a Machine Learning Problem
- Apply Machine Learning to text
- Dive in and Questions
- Markdown Cheetsheet
- Get Python
- Download Anaconds to get Jupyter Notebook
- PyCharm Python Integrated Development Environment
- CoLab Google's online iPython notebook
- Python Software Foundation Everything Python
- World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Python Tutorial
- Python Data Science Handbook
- NLTK Documentation
- Natural Language Processing with Python (The NLTK book)
- High Level programming language.
- General purpose
- Named after Monty Python
- Written in English and relatively easy to read
- Widely supported by a strong user community
- Around since 1990
- Brief Overview of Python file on github
- Brief Overview of Python on Colab note: you will need to copy this to your own google account in order to run the notebook
- Python Software Foundation Everything Python
- World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Python Tutorial
- PyCharm Python Integrated Development Environment
- Pandas
- Numpy
- Scikit Learn
- Beutiful Soup
- urllib
- Wordcloud
- Mathplotlib
- Gensim (Word2Vec)
- Tensorflow