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This repository was archived by the owner on Jun 17, 2021. It is now read-only.


Repository files navigation

Work in progress - public contributions aren't accepted for the moment.

Quick start

  1. Clone this repository

  2. In a terminal, cd into this directory

  3. Install nvm, and run this command to ensure your local environment is running the correct version of Node.js:

    nvm install

To run the website locally:

  1. Run yarn install (if the install fails, run rm -rf node_modules and try again)
  2. Run yarn develop


Run yarn storybook to preview stories in a browser.

Building the tokens

Design tokens are located in the packages/design-tokens directory.

  1. Make changes to files in packages/design-tokens/tokens
  2. Run yarn workspace @dtcg/design-tokens build

Deploying the site

Changes to master are automatically deployed to

Note on MDX

Pages can be created and edited using JavaScript, JSX, and MDX.


Editing the code

Using VS Code is recommended.

To benefit from the best linting and on-save formatting experience, install the recommended extensions for the workspace, which are available as show below:

Recommended extensions