This project is my solution to Udacity Angular Cross-skill course on Angular. The project is a mini e-commerce site, where users can find 6 products to browse, add to cart and purchase. The whole app is designed in a Single-Page-App format (SPA), so no reloading occurs while navigating between pages.
This project was generated with Angular CLI version 14.2.8.
The app has the following main feeatures:
- Browse product list which contains 6 products.
- Add products to cart right from the products list page with the ability to change quantity too.
- Explore the details of each product and add it to cart from its product detail page.
- Visit the cart page and check your products. Change quanities based on your needs and see the total due amount change as you do.
- Enter your contact details and credit card number on the cart page. Hit Submit to complete the checkout process.
- A confirmation page with your name and total paid amount will be shown after submitting the cart.
The production build is self-contained in the folder \dist\my-store. Just copy everything in there and paste to a servable folder on your webserver.
Just copy the entire repository to your local machine. Make sure you have the latest version on Angular CLI installed. Open CMD and browse to the project folder and use ng serve to serve the project locally.
To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help
or go check out the Angular CLI Overview and Command Reference page.