Some say "Manual mappers are safer!"
Others say "Auto mappers are faster!"
We say...
CompositeMapper is a very simple framework for .Net that allows you to use an automapper (like Mapster or AutoMapper) while also providing specific hard coded mappings, facilitated by a single abstraction so that your calling code doesn't have to care.
Nuget: install-package Develorem.CompositeMapper
You inject 'IMapper' and use it. Under the covers it will first try to resolve through (dependency injection) a hard coded mapper of the types you are mapping. If it can't find one, it will fall back to the configured auto mapper.
We call the fallback mappers 'AutoMappers' and they implement the IAutoMapper interface. We call the hard coded mappers 'ExplicitMappers' and they inherit from the ExplicitMapper<TSource, TTarget> abstract class.
At the moment we only support Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection as the IoC container (IServiceCollection and IServiceProvider). As such we take a nuget dependency on the Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions nuget package.
You can use the extension method in the 'ServiceCollectionExtensions' static class to register your automapper, and pass it a list of assemblies to be scanned for explicit mappers.