Devfile 2.2.0
Devfile 2.2.0 release with outer-loop support
Minor API breaking change introduced by #545: All bool properties have been converted to bool pointers, users adopted previous versions may be affected.
v2.2.0 (2022-10-17)
Closed issues:
- Devfile 2.2 GA release tasks #953
- Devfile 2.2 GA release tasks #952
- Add license headers and license checks to source files in integrations-test #947
- PR test failure with registry and registry-operator #938
- Remove EPL licenses in registry-operator #927
- Add proxy support and the ability for clients to override the HTTP timeout #926
- Adjust periodic test frequency for devfile integration tests #922
- The schema publishing workflow for Devfile needs to be updated #915
- Document the release process for the updating the Landing Page / Docs for new releases #914
- Landing page fixes #912
- Devfile library should do variable replacement in content reference using URI in kubernetes component #906
- Requesting non-existent devfile version from registry server causes uncaught panic #901
- Add multilayer navigation support for the docs #900
- CI IntegrationTests failed on macOS 10.15 as Github Actions stop support #898
- Registry library needs to support accessing devfiles over a proxy #897
- Registry docs incorrectly reference "Oracle Cloud Infrastructure" #896
- Starter Project downloading under Registry Library causes error when registry base url ends with a
#895 - Update integration tests to reflect the latest odo command changes #893
- Passing the relative path to working directory to
causes error #892 - nodejs-react devfile based components fails to start when pushed to cluster #891
- Nodejs stack metadata does not match the image version #890
- Devfile telemetry is sending two events for odo downloads #888
- Nodejs-nuxtjs starter project is broken, registry CI currently broken as a result #883
- Broken link to API reference from Getting Started page #877
- python-django devfile debug command fails when component starts in pod making remote degugging impossible #876
- Proposal: begin process of moving plugin components in DevWorkspace spec #874
- Test failed on nightly ODC integration test #868
- Error when downloading java wildfly starter projects #867
- Minor Change to slug of the
endpoint #865 - Update EPL license to Apache #863
- Update Devfile Base Images #862
- Allow DevWorkspace CR to specify pod spec overrides #860
- Redesign Landing Page and Docs #859
- Landing page updates/simplification #857
- Oras dependency collision with helm 3.9 in Dev Console #854
- Offline Support for
endpoint #851 - integration tests for library and API #850
- Mirror dockerhub base images on to avoid rate limiting issues #848
- Update Python and Python Django stacks with new image references #847
- Dotnet stacks are missing logos #845
Library API #842- Use openshift installer fix for integration test with odo 2.5.1 #841
- OWNERS files downloaded as part of a devfile stack #840
- Update PR template in registry-support to add check to document update #839
- Move registry server REST API doc to registry-support repo #838
- Suppress devsandbox server side telemetry #837
- Add odo delete command integration test with devfiles #835
- Update integration tests for odo 2.5.1 #834
- Replace springboot sample with images #833
- update landing page - add info about cncf sandboxed project #832
- Add odo init command test with devfiles #828
- Migrate registry-operator to kubebuilder v3 #826
- Add Github action workflow for integration tests with odo 3.0 #825
- Endpoint validation is stricter than it needs to be; breaks some use cases. #821
- Landing Page: Update Getting started page with Devfile Ecosystem section #819
- Add devfile integration tests with OCP 4.11 #818
- Index page has two scroll-able area thus two scroll bars #836
- Update PR template to clarify the requirement on tools provider check #814
- Create registry index server mock testing #813
- Add devfile video showcase to Landing Page #812
- landing page registry docs to be updated for new registry struct #810
- Update 2.2.0 Author’s guide to include new feature introduced #809
- Add to devfile library repo #808
- Create owners file on devfile registry for default PR reviewers #807
- odo push command test with a devfile #806
- v2index/sample shows empty list #805
- Link to GitHub project on header of #802
- broken nodejs-agular devfile #799
- nodejs-nextjs have
error on s390x #797 - Zip archive links without
extension are invalid when usingGetAndExtractZip
#796 - add odo deploy and build-images command tests #795
- Double scroll bar on landing-page #794
- Workaround to use the latest odo for integration tests #793
- Odo compatibility test with .devfile.xml #790
- odo url command test with a devfile #789
- Add devfile 2.2 go sample to the public community registry #787
- integration test for odo list command with a devfile #786
- Registry operator should handle environment variable updates #784
- Download for starter projects is broken in several devfile components #781
- Commands from Python devfile should be improved #777
- Broken java-quarkus stack #773
- Add files to main devfile repos #772
- outdated odo version in tests on devfile/registry #771
- Manual instructions on installation in-cluster devfile registry offline #770
- Avoid hardcoding Segment write key #769
- Update our scripts to use podman as an alternative to docker #766
- devfile library should be able to parse version specified in parent reference #765
- add optional property version for parent reference to support multi-version stacks/samples #764
- support multi-version stack/samples in registry library #763
- support multi-version stack/samples in registry server #762
- support multi-version stack/samples in registry generator #761
- Set up daily registry tests to ensure stacks, starter projects and samples are functional #759
- Update the Adding components to a devfile doc #758
- doesn't load on Firefox #776
- Kubernetes component parser #755
- Add Pytest tests in Github actions #754
- Fix Broken Link #751
- Introduce name filter in DevfileOptions #750
- Add CNCF footer to devfile websites #745
- Ignore telemetry from Registry integration tests #742
field should always specifying programming language #741- Replace gitter link with kubernetes slack channel in devfile/api and devfile samples support info #739
- Migrate the documentation engine to Antora 3.0.0 #737
- Avoid collecting telemetry on openshift-console, server side calls #736
- Support multiple versions of a given stack/sample in a given registry #735
- Enable devfile telemetry on DevSandbox #733
- Landing page and doc update for devfile slack channel #732
- Update Gitter references to point to the Devfile Kubernetes slack channel #731
- Merge
into a unified repository #727 - Add devfile integration tests with OCP 4.10 #726
- Invalid docs link #725
- Using devfiles vs Authoring devfiles #724
- Golang is really Go #723
- Mention the existence of the devfile-converter library in migrating-to-devfile-v2 #722
- Restore v1alpha1 DevWorkspace and DevWorkspaceTemplate CRDs #721
- Create a
endpoint in theregistry
. #720 - Devfile registry API doesn't allow cross origin requests. #719
- Woopra Analytics is rendering a cookie id instead of a userid #716
- Change the samples to reference the parent stacks #715
- Remove inner scrollbar from API reference web pages #711
- error 404 - API reference for 2.2.0 #710
- Oras dependency collision with helm in Dev Console #708
- Registry Viewer: Ensure country codes are capitalized #707
- Use devfile 2.2.0 sample for ODC integration test #706
- Add devfile integration tests with OCP 4.9 #704
- Reduce periodic integration tests frequency to daily #703
- Registry tests are failing #701
- container & service port name should use endpoint name #700
- Devfile 2.2.0-alpha API reference doc is broken #698
- Validation fails on devfile 2.0.0 with unknown ephemeral field on volume #697
- Avoid collecting telemetry on Registry Viewer, server side API calls #696
- bugs in devfile docs #695
- Selection of Kubernetes components to apply during odo push/deploy #693
- Get Telemetry data from Odo #688
- Devfile registry tests on OpenShift CI are failing to start #687
- Library need to check and handle the case if parent devfile is with a different schema version #686
- Update the Registry Library docs #684
- Create official releases for registry-support #683
- AnonymousId and Client support for the Registry Viewer #678
- Registry build fails on validating devfile samples with outerloop support #677
- Validation fails on devfile with component/container annotation #675
- Create a Telemetry Data Collection notice in our README #673
- Devfile validation does not verify that resource requests are less than resource limits. #672
- Building ODC during CI test is failed #671
- Devfiles in the OpenShift Dev Console samples are invalid #666
- Registry CI: Most nodejs stacks are incompatible with NodeJS 17 and are failing to build #665
- Registry Viewer - Jest does not work #663
- Registry build needs to lint for required registry viewer fields #660
- Investigate telemetry for the registry viewer #659
- Move Dev Console to use the live devfile registry #658
- Link friendly API Reference #657
- ODC integration test is failed #656
- Telemetry: Collect region information #652
- Registry Viewer: Pass client property to server side calls #651
- java-quarkus devfile fails to start application #650
- library validation fails with apply command referencing kubernetes component #647
- Telemetry: client tracking on registry usage #646
- Update OCP level from 4.5 to 4.7 for devfile registry and registry-operator test #645
- devfile/library doesn't reflect
volume setting #642 - devfile/library doesn't reflect additional resource limits #641
- Devfile registry telemetry: the issue of tracking the number of users #638
- Remove v1alpha1 DevWorkspace and DevWorkspaceTemplate CRDs #634
- Viewer broken on current version of devfile registry operator #633
- Allow specifying k8s annotations and labels for generated Deployments and other resources #632
- Better docs headings #628
- adopt Outer loop support in devfile/library #626
- devfile library should support concrete schema version #625
- When a component with the same name is added, an error is returned, but the component is still added #622
- Create a Release page #618
- some stacks/samples icons&names are not aligned in registry viewer #617
- Universal Developer Image #616
- Set default values for boolean properties #615
- Landing page improvements #613
- Update Odo integration tests to keep using the staging registry #612
- Align devfile titles in registry viewer #611
- Augment Landing Page for data collection #610
- Node @devfile/api should provide constants for apiGroup/version/kinds #609
- Viewer should be able to handle long devfile desc #606
- Improvements and QOL fixes for the registry viewer #605
- Support www subdomain for landing page #603
- Landing Page improvement checklist #602
- Improve error handling in validation so distinct error types are returned for verification #598
- Can't link to specific documentation #597
- Devfile favicon missing #595
- Update links in landing page and getting started info #594
- Onboarding process and requirements of the product registry documentation #593
- Devfile test with DevConsole is failed #591
- Move dev console to consume samples from devfile-samples org #590
- Onboard landing pages #589
- Landing page getting started header formatting #588
- Version distinction for API breaking changes vs schema breaking changes #585
- Inconsistent error handling for validation scenarios #583
- Registry viewer tweaks #582
- The registry viewer build fails if a devfile doesn't have any starter projects #579
- The registry viewer should support displaying devfiles from samples #578
- validator should not return an error if no default command, should return warning instead #577
- The devfile logo doesn't show in the devfile registry viewer #573
- Change theme for devfile docs #571
- Add icons for community registry devfile stacks #568
- Adoption of multi arch, filtering via registry API & registry library #566
- Registry Viewer: Allow devfiles with the same name but from different source repos #563
- Intermittent CI test failure with ODC #561
- Devfile typescript model is not correct #557
- Update registry readiness probe and liveness probe #554
- Requesting a sample from /devfiles/<name> crashes the registry #549
- Boolean properties are not being overridden #545
- CI build failure caused by refactoring in console repository #544
- Add copy button to copy the URL of the devfile in the registry viewer #541
- Add provider and support link to stack and samples #539
- StarterProject git/remotes has an inaccurate description #536
- Onboard Registry Viewer to #534
- Registry index generator exits with a zero exit code when it fails #533
output should not include initContainers #532- The "Authoring stacks" heading in "" should have a sub-heading describing devfile variables. #531
- Migrate away from Nginx for the Devfile Registry server #530
- Trigger deploys to the staging devfile registry with commits to registry-support #527
- Parent URI points to an invalid devfile #526
- Registry tests using Minikube w/ Ingress are now failing #525
- Improve library unit test to check for error message #523
- Update registryURL description across all spec levels #522
- Remove WriteJsonDevfile() from library writer #521
- Typo in Library util.go #520
- Set up a Git repository for the product devfile registry #512
- Add Parent tests #510
- Update README of integration-tests #507
- Add local integration-tests for ODO #506
- [Kubernetes-Breaking-Change] Add library ingress generator for networking v1 ingress as extension v1beta1 ingress #504
- Add Events and Metadata tests #502
- white-space characters in variable substitutions #500
- Mechanism to expose a list of devfile registries at a namespace and cluster level #499
- Upload test artifacts and logs in a workflow run #497
- Add Kubernetes and Object components to library tests #495
- metadata of typescript DevWorkspace types is just object #494
- Devfile API typescript types does not have a type for devfile #493
- Content taken from Eclipse Che: Irrelevant to Devfiles #491
- Improve Library unit test coverage #489
- Improve API unit test coverage #488
- run action to get go pkg upon new release #486
- Registry Viewer Source Code Documentation #484
- Devfile Samples page in docs should be renamed to Devfile Resources #483
- Download and package devfile samples and starter projects in the registry #482
- Registry Viewer Sample/Stack Page Technical Details #481
- Validating devfiles in samples during registry build #480
- ODC integration test failure #478
- Update PR templates #477
- Archive workflow logs after each sprint #473
- Create issue tracking templates #472
- Library should support devfile 2.2.0 #471
- Enable test coverage for api and library tests #470
- Run tests against staging registry before promoting staging to production #463
- Update devfile library readme #462
- Devfile v2 linter auto complete & validation #456
- Author and onboard new Devfiles #455
- Prepare registry doc for registry admin persona #453
- Provide option for registry index icon data #450
- Proposal for new top-level documentation structure #441
- Cypress CI test needs to catch incomplete Pod creation with ODC #422
- Performance tests for Odo with devfile v2.0 vs. v2.1 #416
- odo integration tests with devfile 2.1 #413
- Review Authoring Stacks Guide for language and consistency #393
- Devfile registry library doesn't support registries using self-signed certificates #388
- Create mocks for better testing #383
- Registry content viewer #382
- How-tos document to help user to understand how to use devfile in different scenarios #380
- Landing page for devfile website #379
- Support multiple registry query on devfile registry library #377
- Devfile public community registry goes live #372
- Inner loop dockerfile support #346
- Registry-support repository testing #334
- Add projects and starter project to parser tests #331
- Product registry setup #320
- Library api improvements #306
- Devfile support for stacks to consume build output on local file system #292
- Add registry usage telemetry to track registry usage #281
- Add a CONTRIBUTING page #262
- Complete list of components #260
- Remove leftovers from module renaming #255
- Fix Adding commands to a devfile #253
- Supporting single vs multi arch images in a stack #244
- Define onboarding requirement for a stack to be added to a public registry (include documentation on the devfile public website) #191
- Devfile parser library should generate Kube objects #181
- Initial common devfile library support #157
- Create common library for devfile read and write #144
- Add link to Gitter on README #97
- Define how to manage devfiles on the Git repo #83
- OCI-based registry support #82
- v2 devfile registry's index should have a stack name info #78
- Requirements of a "Devfile Registry"? #58
- Introduce outerloop 'dockerfile' build & deploy #51
- Devfile 2.2.0 Proposal #49
- Handling of resources that comes from the parent devfile #46
- Hosting and access to devfile registries #39
- Terminating components #37
- Run exec commands as specified user #34
Merged pull requests:
- Remove pod spec overrides #948 (amisevsk)
- Changed script in github workflow to relative path #944 (schultzp2020)
- Updated release-schema and CI workflows #943 (schultzp2020)
- Added working directory when running python script #942 (schultzp2020)
- Changed py to python in workflow #941 (schultzp2020)
- Fixed ci/release-schema workflows #940 (schultzp2020)
- Added python to GitHub workflows #935 (schultzp2020)
- Update code coverage reporting #928 (johnmcollier)
- Update landing page release/publish scripts #921 (schultzp2020)
- Add contributions field to the DevWorkspace custom resource #879 (amisevsk)
- Add field to DevWorkspace to allow customizing any pod fields in deployment. #872 (amisevsk)
- Update go version to 1.18 and update the devfile.yaml #870 (l0rd)
- licence updates #869 (kim-tsao)
- Fix generator build to work with go 1.18 #866 (l0rd)
- Fix Cabal call details in #861 (l0rd)
- Fix broken GitHub Actions CI workflow #829 (johnmcollier)
- docs: adding contribution guidelines #823 (mike-hoang)
- Allow endpoints with the same targetPort if they are on the same container component #822 (amisevsk)
- update owners list to include members of the devfile team #816 (kim-tsao)
- Set served: true for v1alpha1 DevWorkspaces and DevWorkspaceTemplates #804 (amisevsk)
- Update Release Process to include schemastore #792 (maysunfaisal)
- add version property in import reference #785 (yangcao77)
- Add governance and maintainers files for CNCF process #746 (l0rd)
- Remove Serhii Leshchenko as codeowner #740 (amisevsk)
- Restore v1alpha1 DevWorkspace CRD #738 (amisevsk)
- slack channel updates #734 (kim-tsao)
- update default value description for new autobuild and deploybydefault #718 (yangcao77)
- generate getter functions for autobuild and deploybydefault #717 (yangcao77)
- add autobuild and deploybydefault field #709 (yangcao77)
- reduce endpoint name length limitation to 15 chars, validate on port duplication #702 (yangcao77)
- Fix default value of buildContext to PROJECT_SOURCE #692 (feloy)
- add validation to resource requirement #685 (yangcao77)
- update annotation to be a pointer #682 (yangcao77)
- add annotation to container spec and add validation to it #661 (yangcao77)
- update apply command validation rule #649 (yangcao77)
- Update Samples to be concise #643 (maysunfaisal)
- Deprecate v1alpha1 #639 (JPinkney)
- add new generator and helpers to return values for boolean pointers #637 (kim-tsao)
- Set v1alpha1 DevWorkspaces as served: false #635 (amisevsk)
- Create #631 (l0rd)
- Update Release Doc #629 (kim-tsao)
- Ensure yaml python dependency is installed #624 (JPinkney)
- Extract additional metadata from crds #620 (JPinkney)
- Make release docs easier to find #619 (kim-tsao)
- New Project/StarterProject Error Types #614 (kim-tsao)
- add supportURL and provider in metadata, update some description #601 (yangcao77)
- fix command validator bug #587 (yangcao77)
- update boolean properties #586 (kim-tsao)
- validator uses multierror.append to construct the returned error #584 (yangcao77)
- Dockerfile Outerloop Support #580 (maysunfaisal)
- upgrade k8s api to v0.21.3 #565 (sleshchenko)
- parent tests #564 (kim-tsao)
- fix github flow for publishing typescript model #560 (sleshchenko)
- Fix publishing of typescript model github action #559 (sleshchenko)
- Fix generating arrays for top level properties #558 (sleshchenko)
- Refactor typescript model generation to make local testing easier #556 (sleshchenko)
- Improve the versioning of devfile/api typescript models #555 (JPinkney)
- Append v to devfile type version to avoid model word appearing #552 (sleshchenko)
- generate typescript model basing on schemas instead of CRDs #551 (sleshchenko)
- Change license to Apache 2.0 #547 (l0rd)
- Add enum rather than explicit validation for arch #528 (maysunfaisal)
- Deprecate v1alpha1 #524 (sleshchenko)
- ignore spaces and tabs in variable substitution #515 (yangcao77)
- update PR template for api repo #513 (kim-tsao)
- create issue template #509 (yangcao77)
- Fix typos #508 (scottkurz)
- metadata tests #503 (kim-tsao)
- add new component types to test utils #496 (kim-tsao)
- Stack vs sample proposal and outer loop proposal #492 (elsony)
- Add arch metadata, fix variable desc #490 (maysunfaisal)
- Enable test coverage + upload results in workflow #476 (kim-tsao)
- Add devfile logo and icons #469 (elsony)
- hardcode @types/bluebird version before building the typescript models #468 (JPinkney)
- Bump schema version on main to 2.2.0-alpha #467 (johnmcollier)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator