Command line interface and library for retro disk images, file systems, and languages, with emphasis on Apple II.
- Designed to be scriptable
- Language Servers - Applesoft, Integer BASIC, Merlin Assembly
- deep analysis, tokenization, disassembly, adheres to LSP
- File Systems - Apple DOS 3.x, ProDOS, CP/M, Pascal, FAT (such as MS-DOS)
- full read and write access
- high or low level manipulations
- interface for handling sparse and random access files
- Disk Images - 2MG, D13, DO, DSK, IMD, IMG, NIB, PO, TD0, WOZ
- create, read, and write with all types
Applesauce - device for working with real floppies. The accompanying software is free and works with many kinds of disk images.
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - user group dating to 1978, offering books, software, magazine, archival documents, forums, etc.
CiderPress, CiderPress2 - famous Apple disk image software and successor.
Virtual II, AppleWin, MicroM8, MAME, Crossrunner - emulators