This is the final project for the 2020 Effective Computing class.
Project members: Kimberly Gottschalk, Derya Gumustel, Ian Nisbet.
This project involves scraping data from the web, saving the data as .zip files, extracting the data files to a data subdirectory, and visualizing the data in informative plots. Our data source is the CCHDO BATS (Bermuda-Atlantic Time Series) data (found here: This data includes depth profiles of multiple seawater parameters, such as temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen.
The code in this repo performs three major tasks based on user inputs: web scraping, processing, and plotting. The user is prompted to choose from a selection of dates for which data is available. After entering a selection, the code scrapes data from web, processes data into pandas dataframes, and creates informative plots including a map of the data collection location, plots of depth profiles for each variable, and a temperature-salinity diagram.
Install the following python packages before running the code:
beautifulsoup: conda install -c anaconda beautifulsoup4
requests: conda install -c anaconda requests
basemap: conda install -c anaconda basemap
basemap high resolution data: conda install -c conda-forge basemap-data-hires
gsw teos10: conda install -c conda-forge gsw
cmocean: conda install -c conda-forge cmocean
All of the code for this project is included in the file. To run this code, download the file or clone the GitHub repo to your machine or server. Place the code inside of a code directory (folder) with a name of your choice. After running, a data subdirectory called foldername_data will be generated parallel to the folder containing the file and will contain the unzipped .csv files.
The code will prompt the user for a month and date according to data availability for the year 2016. Available months are presented to the user. If a month has multiple days of available data then the user is provided options and prompted to select a date for data scraping. If a month only has one day of available data then that day is automatically selected for data scraping.
The data gathering section of the code requests data directly from: where the YYYYMMDD is the user input (see above). The data is downloaded as a .zip file. The code then extracts all zipped files to a new data subdirectory named BIOSYYYYMMDD located within a data directory parallel to (on the same level as) the code directory. The extracted data is a collection of .csv files that each contain depth measurements for several variables at a unique point in time. These .csv files can be combined to create a time series analysis.
The data files are opened and transformed into a number of pandas dataframes contained within a data dictionary. The header information (metadata) of each file is stored in a separate dictionary.
The latitude and longitude coordinates of the data collection site are mapped on a bathymetric plot of the Bermuda-Atlantic region. Currently, only data from one .csv file is plotted. The temperature and salinity are used to generate a temperature-salinity diagram. Depth profiles of conservative temperature (calculated from salinity and temperature), salinity, dissolved oxygen, and fluorescence are plotted with appropriate oceanographic colormaps from the cmocean package.
The figures generated by must be saved to an output folder named foldername_output that is parallel to the folder containing the file. This folder can be generated in a similar manner to the foldername_data folder created in lines 42 and 48 of
This code could be greatly improved by expanding the acceptable user inputs in the web scraping section to allow users to access all of the BATS data. Currently, the code only accepts data selection for the year 2016.
This code could also be editted to accept user inputs for plot generation. Currently, multiple plots are generated automatically. User input could be used to limit the plotting to only desired plots.
This code relies on the basemap python package to generate a map of the Bermuda-Atlantic region. Basemap is deprecated in favor of the cartopy package and should be updated to reflect this. Basemap may not run properly on some systems. For now, the basemap code has been commented out so that no errors related to this package are generated when running, but the code remains if users wish to use it.
In addition, this code does not currently take advantage of the time-series aspect of the BATS data collection. This code visualizes data from a singular point in time, but could be expanded to generate informative time series visualizations of measured and calculated variables.
The following resources were used in writing this code: