get_app is a command line application for get app from App Store Connect using api.
- Download newest .ipa or .app from app store connect with specific workflow name and artifact name
- Get app .ipa or .app version and save to version.txt file
Help keep this project alive. By sponsoring the get_app tier you will help support:
- Keeping up with api changes
- Development of new features
- Fixing and answering of issues
- Writing of guides and docs
brew install ruby@3
gem install jwt
gem install httparty
gem install json
gem install jsonpath
gem install rubyzip
brew tap dikako/app-store-connect
brew install get_app
brew uninstall get_app
brew untap dikako/app-store-connect
brew tap dikako/app-store-connect
brew install get_app
get_app --file-p8=$AUTH_KEY --issuer-id=$ISSUER_ID --key-id=$KEY_ID --product=$PRODUCT_NAME --workflow="$WORKFLOW_NAME" --art="$ART"
--file-p8 File AUTH_KEY generated from app store connect (Required) ex: XXXXXXX_XXXXXXXXXX.p8
--issuer-id ISSUER_ID generated from app store connect (Required) ex: 00x0dx0x-x0x0-00x00-x000-0x0x0x00x0x0
--key-id KEY_ID generated from app store connect (Required) ex: 0XX000XXX
--product PRODUCT_NAME Product name (Required) ex: Myapp
--workflow WORKFLOW_NAME generated from app store connect (Required) ex: Production Build
--dir DIR generated from app store connect (Optional) ex: app
--art ART artifact name ex: Development