A Ruby interface to the Blizzard Armory API.
gem install armory
client = Armory::REST::Client.new do |config|
config.api_key = "<api key from https://dev.battle.net/>"
config.cache = Moneta.new # Optional
config.logging = Logger.new # Optional
Retrive Character
character = client.character('realm_name', 'character_name',
region: "US",
fields: "progression,talents,items,achievements,pvp,pets,mounts")
puts character.items.head.name
Retrive Guild
guild = client.guild('realm_name', 'guild_name')
region: "US",
fields: 'members')
puts guild.members.count
This entity-relationship diagram is generated programatically. If you add or remove any objects, please regenerate the ERD with the following command:
bundle exec rake erd
I leaned heavily on the excellent Twitter Ruby Gem for the structure of this Gem.
Copyright (c) 2016 David Peterson See LICENSE for details.