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Direct Assemblée for iOS

Download on the App Store.


Building the code

This project requires Xcode 9.3.

  1. Install the latest Xcode developer tools from Apple.
  2. Install Cocoapods
    sudo gem install cocoapods
  3. Clone the repository:
    git clone <URL>
  4. Install the project dependencies:
    pod install
  5. Open direct-assemblee.xcworkspace in Xcode.
  6. This project uses Firebase for push notifications and analytics. See Firebase section below to configure project.
  7. This project uses Fabric to report crashes in release mode. See Fabric section below to configure project.
  8. Build the direct-assemblee scheme in Xcode.


This project uses Firebase. You should register your own Firebase account and generate GoogleService-Info.plist files if you want to use push notifications and analytics. We use two Firebase projects : one for developments in progress and one for production.

So, the existing configuration use two GoogleService-Info.plist files :

  1. One for DADEV scheme, located in Resources/Debug folder, corresponding to development Firebase project.
  2. One for direct-assemblee scheme, located in Resources/Release folder, corresponding to production Firebase project.


This project uses Fabric to report crashes in release mode. You should register with Crashlytics and get your own API key and build secret if you want to build it with crashes reporting. To set these informations, do the following :

  1. Create two files named fabric.apikey and fabric.buildsecret in config folder and it to Xcode project.
  2. In fabric.apikey put the API key provided by Fabric
  3. In fabric.buildsecret put the build key provided by Fabric
  4. You can now run the project with Crashlytics.



The direct-assemblee scheme use the production API, available if you want to test your application changes with the latest stable API version.


The DADEV scheme use the development API, which isn't available because the Direct Assemblée teams uses it as sandbox. You can use mocks (see below), or you can setup our API on your computer from Github projects API and Scraper.

If you run API on your computer, you have to specify its URL. Create a file named in config folder, add it to Xcode project and put the local API URL inside. Then, asddbuild and launch the DADEV scheme.


You don't have Internet access or you want easily test different responses types from API ? You can use the mock embedded in sources. Simply replace RealApi() by MockApi() in SingletonManager.swift and build DADEV scheme. All mock files are located in Resources/Mock folder.


Pull request are more than welcome ! If you want to do it, use a feature branch and please make sure to use a descriptive title and description for your pull request.

The project use unit tests (direct-assembleeTests scheme). You must update them depending on your changes in the code. All unit tests should be OK in your pull request.

Used Resources

Some icons are licensed under CC BY-ND 3.0 and provided by icons8.


Direct Assemblée for IOS is under the GPLv3 and the MPLv2 license.

See LICENSE for more license info.


For any question or if you need help, you can send contact us at [email protected].