A web application allowing you to make basic photo and video editing using your webcam and some predefined images
To launch the project execute
docker compose up
docker-compose up
Or without docker
python mysite/manage.py runserver --insecure
is needed so that Django's built-in server will continue serving static files if DEBUG is set to False in settings.py. If you set DEBUG to True you can remove it.
- responsive design
- desktop
- mobile
- bootstrap (bonus)
- sign up, sign in, sign out
- confirm account by email
- forgot password (reset it by email)
- settings view
- user can modify it's profile
- email notifications: (un)subscribe if someone leaves a comment on user's picture(s)
- delete account (bonus)
- display all the images edited by all the users, plus likes and comments for everyone
- let signed in users (un)like and leave comments
- pagination: 5 images per page
- accessible only to signed in users
- main section
- preview of the user’s webcam (if it has one)
- possibility to upload a picture
- overlays to apply over the original picture
- side section
- thumbnails of all previous pictures taken
- delete picture button
- possibility to select previous picture for further editing (bonus)
- creation of the final image is done on the server side.